
Experimental webapp to show PMTiles

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NINA map explorer

NINA map explorer is an experimental web application which renders maps defined by a MapLibre style, with the addition of ProtoMaps Tiles to serve complex spatial data as a single web-optimized file.

datasets folder

Each dataset is a folder within datasets. Each dataset folder should contain a metadata.json file, which contains information on where to find the style file for the map, the original file for downloads, and some additional information about the dataset. Both style and source are relative to the folder where the metadata file is located.

See datasets/example for an example.

PMTiles conversion

PMTiles is a valid output format only for GDAL >= 3.8.

Here is an example of how to convert a GeoPackage file to PMTiles.

docker run --rm -ti -v $PWD:/host --workdir /host ghcr.io/osgeo/gdal \
    ogr2ogr -skipfailures -f PMTiles converted.pmtiles original.gpkg -dsco MAXZOOM=15

Full documentation is available at gdal.org/drivers/vector/pmtiles.html.

COG conversion

Raster images should be converted a 4 bands RGBA GEOTiff using EPSG:3857.

If you have a single-band greyscale GEOTiff you can use generate_cog.sh to produce a valid Cloud Optimized GEOTiff.

NOTE: COG layers are static, style must be pre-applyied.

Running the webapp

The only requirement is having a web server which supports HTTP bytes serving/ranged requests, such as NGINX.


docker compose --profile dev up --build

Then, the application can be seen by visiting http://localhost:8000/.


Same as development, but using the prod profile:

docker compose --profile prod up