
Basic Python project template for NINA


Modify this README.md file, to explain what your software does.

Good practices


Add paths and files that you do not want to be committed by adding them to .gitignore.


pre-commit can run tools to check your changes and refactor code (using black), to keep your repository clean and avoid common mistakes. The list of actions that are executed are defined in .pre-commit-config.yaml.


  1. Install Python if not available. It can be downloaded from python.org/downloads. Be sure to add Python to your PATH.
  2. Install pipx, as it is the suggested way to install Python tools:
    • Windows users: py -3 -m pip install pipx
    • Linux users: python3 -m pip install pipx
  3. Install pre-commit: pipx install pre-commit
  4. Configure PATH: pipx ensurepath
  5. Close and open your shell again
  6. Enter into your git repository and install the hooks: pre-commit install (optional, but recommended)

How to use it

In case you executed pre-commit install, pre-commit hooks will be executed each time you will try to commit (git commit). If any of the checks fail or if any files that is going to be committed is changed (because a tool refactored or cleaned it), the commit will fail.

The suggested method to use pre-commit is to run it before trying to commit your changes, using pre-commit run -a. You can run this command multiple times, to check if the changes are ready to be committed. After all the tests succeeded, the changes can be staged (git add) and committed.