
A Yii2 implementation of phpleague's oAuth2 library.

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Extension for Yii2 providing an oAuth 2 server

Uses parts of https://github.com/samdark/yii2-league-oauth2-server

Also inspired by https://github.com/chervand/yii2-oauth2-server


Add this to your composer.json:

"niolab/yii2-oauth2-server": "~1.0"


Step 1

You need a few things:

  • A UserRepository for this module to get its users from. The easiest is to take your existing User class, and make sure it also implements the following interfaces:

    • yii\web\IdentityInterface
    • League\OAuth2\Server\Entities\UserEntityInterface
    • League\OAuth2\Server\Repositories\UserRepositoryInterface
      • Make sure to validate the user in UserRepositoryInterface::getUserEntityByUserCredentials()

    Also make sure to implement findIdentityByAccessToken(), it's used by NIOLAB\oauth2\components\authMethods\HttpBearerAuth to authenticate the user by access token. Example:

       * {@inheritdoc}
      public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null) {
          return static::find()
              ->leftJoin('oauth_access_token', '`user`.`id` = `oauth_access_token`.`user_id`')
              ->andWhere(['oauth_access_token.identifier' => $token])

    And then pass the User class as the property $userRepository in the configuration array as below.

  • An SSH key pair. See https://oauth2.thephpleague.com/installation/

$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
$ openssl rsa -in private.key -pubout -out public.key

Make sure the file rights are 600 or 660 for the generated key files.

  • An encryption key (just a random string)

  • The migrations

$ php yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/niolab/yii2-oauth2-server/migrations

Step 2

Add it as a yii2 module:

$config = [
 'modules' => [
        'oauth2' => [
            'class' => NIOLAB\oauth2\Module::class,
            'userRepository' => \app\models\User::class,
            'privateKey' => '@common/data/keys/private.key',
            'publicKey' => '@common/data/keys/public.key',
            'encryptionKey' => 'put-a-nice-random-string-here',

Also add the module to your application bootstrap:

'bootstrap' => ['log','api.v1',...,'oauth2'],


There's not a lot of configuration yet. Maybe the types of grants available will be dynamic someday.

Access control (Guarding API calls)

Check Client Credentials

Because the Client Credentials method creates access tokens that are not linked to a specific user, it uses a different filter to check the validity of the token.

Add the NIOLAB\oauth2\components\filters\CheckClientCredentials to your behaviors to validate Client Credential access keys.

Other auth flows

Add the NIOLAB\oauth2\components\authMethods\HttpBearerAuth to your behaviors, for example:

 public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
        $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
            'class' => HttpBearerAuth::class,
        $behaviors['contentNegotiator'] = [
            'class' => 'yii\filters\ContentNegotiator',
            'formats' => [
                'application/json' => Response::FORMAT_JSON,

        return $behaviors;

Usage with with yiisoft/yii2-authclient (or similar Authorization Code Grant clients)

Create a custom client, with the following URLs:

  • authorize URL: <domain>/oauth2/authorize
  • token URL: <domain>/oauth2/token/create