
NIRAL Utilities are open-source applications developped at UNC-Chapel Hill in the Neuro Image Research and Analysis Lab (NIRAL)

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

NIRAL Utilities

What is it?

NIRAL Utilities are open-source applications developped at UNC-Chapel Hill in the Neuro Image Research and Analysis Lab (NIRAL). These utilities are C++ based command line applications that allow image analysis and processing using ITK or VTK libraries.

Specifically the following utilities are contained thus far:

3DTo4DImages                - Converts 3D-vector images to 4D images

4DTo3DImages                - Converts 4D images to 4D-vector images

CombineDWIs                 - Combines multiple Diffusion Weighted Image (DWI) files into one file.

convertITKformats           - convert 3D images in all ITK formats (NRRD, NIFTI, GIPL, Meta etc)

CropTools                   - crops 3D and 4D images

DWI_NiftiNrrdConversion     - convert DWI and DTI from/to NRRD and NIFTI, works with UNC DTI tools and FSL

ImageMath                   - the swiss army knife image modification

ImageNoise                  - Computes Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) or Contrast to Noise Ratio (CNR)

ImageStat                   - compute stats on images

IntensityRescaler           - rescale/normalize intensities using a prior brain tissue segmentation

ITKTransformTools           - Swiss army knife tool to handle ITK transform files

MauerDistanceTransform      - Calculates the Euclidean distance transform of a binary image

MultiAtlasSeg               - Segmentation with a Multi-Atlas strategy

NormalizeDWIGradientVectors - Normalizes Diffusion Weighted Image gradient vectors

PolyDataCompression         - Reads and writes polydata (*.vtk or *.vtp) to save them as
                              binary data as well as activates the compression of the file.

PolydataMerge               - Merges VTK polydata files

PolydataTransform           - Transforms polydata files

ReadImageHeader             - Prints the header of an ITK image (equivalent of 'unu head' but for
                              any image file format that ITK reads)

TransformDeformationField   - concatenates or average deformation fields (H-fields or displacement fields)

Software in Unsupported directory is not build with the main CMakeLists.txt file. It has to be build manually.


See License.txt

More information

Find the tool on NITRC