- 3
- 3
Keyboard selection for Easy and Hard not working
#187 opened by vineetjc - 0
Wrong selected color displayed for Player 2
#188 opened by vineetjc - 0
Both the name boxes become white if second is directly cliked after first one
#183 opened by nityanandagohain - 2
Option to add Player Names
#161 opened by Aniq55 - 5
Program hangs in
#131 opened - 10
- 1
Arrow and WASD key selection
#180 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Inconsistent naming convention
#135 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 3
Make this project PEP 8 compliant.
#102 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 2
Reset button in pause screen
#134 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Hit and goal sounds still play after mute
#176 opened by nityanandagohain - 0
Players to be notified while round change
#174 opened by nityanandagohain - 1
Create an in-game help
#124 opened by thealphadollar - 0
- 0
- 0
Install Pygame through bash script
#164 opened by thealphadollar - 2
Make a round change pop up
#90 opened by thealphadollar - 4
Add function to serve the puck
#82 opened by thealphadollar - 1
- 0
repeated code in themescreen
#159 opened by nityanandagohain - 0
- 0
Make events happen by keyboard
#125 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Quit button on start screen not working
#145 opened by vineetjc - 0
screenColor not defined in GameEnd()
#147 opened by vineetjc - 0
Default paddle colors
#137 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 1
Add image for play and pause
#139 opened by thealphadollar - 2
Multiple Theme choice
#115 opened by thealphadollar - 1
Option to mute the background music
#133 opened by nityanandagohain - 1
Update ReadMe
#123 opened by thealphadollar - 5
Have a set of music files as background music.
#114 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Start screen music
#121 opened by thealphadollar - 1
Update pause screen
#122 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Create End screen for the game
#88 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Show round count instead of "rounds"
#117 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Update Pause Screen
#118 opened by thealphadollar - 1
Close game by Alt+F4
#116 opened by thealphadollar - 4
Incorrect score updates
#96 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 1
Bug: If color not selected, game force closes.
#111 opened by thealphadollar - 1
Change folder "aux" to "assets"
#109 opened by thealphadollar - 1
Make global class
#104 opened by thealphadollar - 3
- 2
Pressing space bar to pause the game.
#99 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 1
Delay in sound when paddle hits puck
#91 opened by Aniq55 - 1
Add sound for goal
#87 opened by thealphadollar - 0
Directory changes
#85 opened by Aniq55 - 1
Increase the paddle and puck size
#79 opened by Aniq55 - 0
Fix Readme
#78 opened by CaptainDaVinci - 1
- 1