
Check out my YouTube channel: t.ly/Ulc9

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

YouTube (Channel name: - Abhishek Mamidi)

  • This channel is mainly about Data Science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. I share my learnings and experience in the field of Data Science.
  • This repository will contain files that are used in my YouTube channel.
  • Do check out my channel and subscribe if you like it.


  1. Data Science Guide for freshers and enthusiasts
  2. Getting started with PySpark


  1. Channel Introduction
  2. Introduction to Jupyter notebook, Google Colab and Kaggle Notebooks
  3. Building Machine Learning Pipelines using Scikit-Learn
  4. Python Pandas functions - map, apply and applymap
  5. My path to becoming a Data Scientist
  6. 3 tips to stay long in Data Science
  7. Open source AutoML libraries in Python
  8. Interview process for Data Science Associate role at ZS
  9. How to create a GOOD LinkedIn profile
  10. Hierarchical clustering - Determine OPTIMAL number of clusters
  11. Should you learn Data Science for free?
  12. Buzz words explained in a simple way - A.I, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science, Big data
  13. What is Explainable A.I
  14. 5 Reasons why an Internship is important for your career
  15. How to filter companies when applying for Data Science Jobs
  16. 5 ways to apply for OFF-CAMPUS Data Science jobs as a Fresher
  17. Getting started with PySpark - Course Introduction
  18. Quick Introduction to Basics of Apache Spark and PySpark
  19. Setting up PySpark environment on Google Colab
  20. Conversion of Data Frames | Spark to Pandas & Pandas to Spark
  21. Summarizing a DataFrame in PySpark | min, max, count, percentile, schema
  22. PySpark Transformations and Actions | show, count, collect, distinct, withColumn, filter, groupby
  23. User Defined Functions in PySpark
  24. Modeling in PySpark using Spark ML on Colab | Python

More to come. Stay tuned :)