
A web app that lets two players play tic tac toe in real time

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Flask and create-react-app

App Link: https://tictactoe-mgg22.herokuapp.com/


  1. npm install
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run echo "DANGEROUSLY_DISABLE_HOST_CHECK=true" > .env.development.local in the project directory

Run Application

  1. Run command in terminal (in your project directory): python app.py
  2. Run command in another terminal, cd into the project directory, and run npm run start
  3. Preview web page in browser '/'

Known problems

  1. Socketio when being used on heroku had a response time that was so slow I thought I messed up deploying it.
  2. There was an issue where the second players goes first but that can be debugged.

Technical Issues

  1. Had a difficult time figuring out how to display the playerlist and how to calculate a winner/tie.
  2. There were some issues with the app.py not properly communicating with the App.js file.