Fault Tolerant Cache Simulator, based on gem5 (https://www.gem5.org/)
Gem5 simulator, enchanced with some of the well known cache fault tolerant schemes [1][2][3][4].
This version has been branched out from the following gem5 commit id:
commit 9d3b9e96c56386ee6539657c21cba95e118e576a
Author: Gabe Black <gabeblack@google.com>
Date: Tue Oct 15 21:48:31 2019 -0700
The supported schemes are the following:
- Clean cache
- Faulty cache – Block disabling scheme [4]
- Faulty cache – Subblock disabling scheme (2/4/8 subblocks) [1]
- Faulty cache – MAEP scheme [2]
- Faulty cache – FTA scheme [3]
The selection of each cache configuration can be done by modifing the cache config file (= configs/common/Caches.py). Details about the configuration can be found in the following table.
Scheme | Modification |
Clean Cache | [No modification] |
Block Disabling [4] | faulty_cache = True |
SubBlock Disabling [1] | faulty_cache = True sub_blocks = 2/4/8 |
MAEP scheme [2] | faulty_cache = True sub_blocks = 8 maep_scheme = True |
FTA scheme [3] | faulty_cache = True sub_blocks = 4/8 fta_predictor = True sampling_predictor = 1/2/4/8/32/64 |
- run_scripts: You can find two sample bash scripts, which can be used to configure the simulator appropriately for each specific case. Scripts simulated SysCall Emulation over polybench benchmark suite.
- src/mem/cache/tags/fault_maps: A small number of fault maps and three fault probabilities provided under this directory. Use different fault maps and various probability to simulate the desired fault scenario.
- src/mem/cache/predictor/. This directory encapsulates the spatial locality predictor described in [3]. Also GC-SFP directories provides various predictor configurations. :
The implementation of this work was part of my phd, under the supervision of prof. Dimitris Nikolos and prof. Georgios Keramidas.
Michail Mavropoulos
[1] J. Abella, J. Carretero, P. Chaparro, X. Vera, and A. González. Low Vccmin Fault-Tolerant Cache with Highly Predictable Performance. Proc. of Intl. Symposium on Microarchitecture, 2009.
[2] Y.G. Choi, S. Yoo, S. Lee, and J.H. Ahn. Matching Cache Access Behavior and Bit Error Pattern for High Performance Low Vcc L1 Cache. Proc. of Design Automation Conference, 2011.
[3] M. Mavropoulos, G. Keramidas, and D. Nikolos. Enabling Efficient Sub-block Disabled Caches Using Coarse Grain Spatial Predictions. (Under review, not published work)
[4] G.S. Sohi. Cache Memory Organization to Enhance the Yield of High-Performance VLSI Processors. Trans. on Computers, 1989.