
Generate StreamData generators out of Dialyzer type specifications.

Primary LanguageElixir

Type Generators

This is my google summer of code project for stream data creating StreamData generators out of type specifications, generating type member functions and validating function specifications.

You will be able to check out progress and play around with this repository.


To test things out add - add it to your mix.exs file as a dependency.

def deps do
    {:type_generators, git: "https://github.com/njichev/type-generators"}

Quick start

Add a module with some types in it:

defmodule MyModule do
  @type t :: {atom(), integer()}

Create a generator out of your type:

StreamDataTypes.from_type(MyModule, :t) |> Enum.take(3)
#=> [f: -1, wn: 2, DM: 0]

You can also generate the member function for your type:

member = StreamDataTypes.validator_for_type(MyModule, :t)

member.({:f, -1})
#=> true

member.({1, -1})
#=> false

Validate function type specifications using validate/3:

{:ok, %{}} = validate(Kernel, :is_integer, 1)