Citation: Batuhan Bardak, Mehmet Tan. mproving Clinical Outcome Predictions Using Convolution over Medical Entities with Multimodal Learning.
Original Paper Repo: -
Dependencies -
Fix the below points:
- Path was set incorrectly in notebook 2, instead of reading from “DATAPATH” for “patients” we have to read from “MIMIC_EXTRACT_DATA”
- Asked to installed nltk.punkt in notebook 3, use the below command:
- pip install –user nltk
- Error in step med7 = spacy.load("en_core_med7_lg")
- Error msg “OSError: [E050] Can't find model 'en_core_med7_lg'. It doesn't seem to be a Python package or a valid path to a data directory.”
- Solution follow solution from link (Med7 — an information extraction model for clinical natural language processing | by kormilitzin | Medium)
- Install gensim pip install --user gensim==3.7.0
- Fix the code in notebook 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to make it work, we have added the comment where we fixed it.
- Create a cnn folder under the results.
Execute the notebooks in the following order:
- Clone the repo :
- Get the "all_hourly_data.h5" by following the steps mentioned in "Pre-processed Output" from git repo and put it in the data folder.
- Move files ADMISSIONS.csv, NOTEEVENTS.csv, ICUSTAYS.csv files into the data folder.
- Execute 02-Select-SubClinicalNotes.ipynb to select sub nodes based on criteria from all MIMIC-III Notes.
- Run 03-Prprocess-Clinical-Notes.ipnyb to preprocessing notes.
- Run 04-Apply-med7-on-Clinical-Notes.ipynb to extract medical entities.
- Download pre trained embeddings into embeddings folder via link in given References section.
- Run 05-Represent-Entities-With-Different-Embeddings.ipynb to convert medical entities into word representations.
- Run 06-Create-Timeseries-Data.ipynb to prepare the time series data to fed through GRU / LSTM.
- Run 07-Timeseries-Baseline.ipynb to run a timeseries baseline model to predict 2 different clinical tasks.
- Run 08-Multimodal-Baseline.ipynb to run multimodal baseline to predict 2 different clinical tasks.
- Run 09-Proposed-Model.ipynb to run a proposed model to predict 2 different clinical tasks.
- Download the MIMIC-III dataset via
- MIMIC-Extract implementation:
- med7 implementation:
- Download Pre-trained Word2Vec & FastText embeddings:
- Preprocessing Script: