
Load kindergartens from Barnehagefakta api and produce OSM file.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Load kindergartens from Barnehagefakta api and produce OSM file.


python kindergarten2osm.py [-noadjust]

Optional argument:

  • -noadjust: Do not adjust coordinates to middle of building.


  • This program extracts kindergartens from the National Kindergarten Registry/Norsk Barnehageregister (NBR) by the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, and produces an OSM file with all kindergartens; approx. 6000 public and private kindergartens for the whole country of Norway.
  • NBR is collecting data from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises as well as from other sources, such as Basil. Data quality ultimatly depends on input from each kindergarten.
    • Coordinates without a proper address (street + house number) may be missing. Run geocode2osm for those to get at least the street or post district.
    • Kidergartens which have been set as inactive in Basil may not be in operation. You may want to consult indexed search engines to discover their status.
    • A few kindergartens are in fact just administrative offices or service functions and should not be imported to OSM.
  • Coordinates will be centered on the underlying building if inside a building.
  • The directorate recommends extrating data outside of normal business hours to get a consistent data set.
  • Use update2osm to discover differences with regards to schools currently in OSM, and to get an OSM file ready for inspection and uploading, based on the ref:barnehage tag.
