
Trajectory analysis tool for Tinker & Gromacs & Amber

Primary LanguageC++

Molecular dynamics trajectory analysis package for Tinker & Gromacs & Amber software


Software Architecture

Typical analysis functions

  1. trajectory format conversion between Tinker ARC, Gromacs Trr, Gromacs Xtc, Gromacs Gro and Amber Netcdf
  2. Diffusion coefficient based on Einstein and Green-Kubo equation
  3. Hydrogen bond analysis
  4. Rotational autocorrelation function
  5. NMR NOE calculation
  6. Water residence time
  7. Cluster analysis based on linkage method
  8. Aggregation volume calculation for specific molecule
  9. IR & Raman Spectrum calculation
  10. Density of State (DOS) Spectrum
  11. Hydrogen bond lifetime analysis
  12. Various angle related analysis and can convert probability distribution to Gibbs free energy plot
  13. Orientation-Resolved Radial Distribution Functions (JCTC 2019, 15, 803−812)
  14. Conditional Time Correlation Function (JCTC 2019, 15, 803−812)
  15. Radius of gyration (mass-weighted)
  16. Biphase Mix Index
  17. Co-plane Index (CPI)
  18. RMSD & RMSF with outputting superposed structures
  19. Use AmberMask for selecting Residues, Atoms in topology structure
  20. Use Domain Specific Language(DSL) script to drive analysis process
  21. Use SQL like language to view topology file content
  22. Other practical utilities for using Tinker

Typical QM analysis functions

  1. NBO spin summary
  2. NAO orbital contribution by driving Multiwfn
  3. Delocalization Index (DI) by driving Multiwfn
  4. QTAIM analysis by driving Multiwfn
  5. ADCH Charge

Build Requirements

  • Language : C++20 ( GCC 9.x or above )
  • Build System : CMake 3.15
  • Third-party libraries : Boost 1.72, Intel Threading Building Blocks(TBB) 2020.1 ( for Multi-Core Parallelism ), NetCDF, FFTW3, GROMACS library 5.1.4 ( for reading and writting Gromacs topology and trajectory file ), Google Test 1.10 ( for unit test ), Eigen 3.3 ( C++ template library for linear algebra ), Pugixml 1.10 ( XML format process ), nlohmann/json 3.7.3, GNU readline

Execution Flow

Software Execution Flow