
  • fork this repository
  • clone and coding
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User API and TodoList API with FastAPI(Python)

  • Database : Sqlite3 or PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server with ORM (SQLAlchemy/Pydantic)
  • Programming Language : Python 3

Part 0 : Data Schema

  • user schema
"id": ?,
"password": ?,
"email": ?,
"firstName": ?,
"lastName": ?,
"phoneNumber": ?,
"role": ?
  • todolist schema
"id": ?,
"dueDate": ?,
"description": ?,
"userId": ?,
"completed": ?

Part 1 : CRUD Endpoint User/TodoList (Create, Read, Update and Delete)

Authentication and Authorization with JWT for using TodoList API role admin and user

  • async/await
  • pytest
  • swagger ui
  • add data to database
  • show all data
  • show data by id
  • edit data and update to database
  • delete data by id
  • sort by last time created
  • sort by last time updated
  • select completed only
  • show 5 data by page number
  • show data by page number and limit data
    • show x data by page number ; x = limit data

Part 2 : Run with Docker

  • dockerfile
  • docker-compose

Aggregation API with FastAPI(Python)

  • Database : (Sqlite3 or PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL Server) and BigQuery with ORM (SQLAlchemy/Pydantic)
  • Programming Language : Python 3

Part 0 : Data Schema

  • propertyType
    "บ้านเดี่ยว": "S",
    "บ้านแฝด": "D",
    "บ้านเเฝด": "D",
    "ทาวน์โฮม": "T",
    "คอนโดมิเนี่ยม": "C",
    "อาคารพาณิชย์": "B",
  • bigquery-public-data.country_codes.country_codes
    "country_name" : string,
    "alpha_2_code" : string,
    "alpha_3_code" : string
  • main schema
    • projects.csv to your database
  • other schema
    • import 2023-02-01_2023-02-28.csv to script

Part 1 : Aggregation Endpoint (Read and Update)

  • async/await
  • pytest
  • swagger ui
  • Aggregation data 2023-02-01_2023-02-28.csv and projects.csv
  • group by and summary data 2023-02-01_2023-02-28.csv by ga:pagePathLevel1 and ga:pagePathLevel2
  • add country_name by cityCode (xxyy) from bigquery-public-data.country_codes.country_codes by start xx code
    • example : 6644 (cityCode) -> 66yy -> Thailand (country_name)
  • logoMediaId to logoMediaUrl (
  • filter by propertyType
  • filter by country_name
  • filter by cityCode
  • filter price range

Part 2 : Run with Docker

  • dockerfile
  • docker-compose

DS with Python (Extra)

  • NLP with PythaiNLP (custom corpus)
  • OCR for Thai Language
  • Search Engine with Elasticsearch and Kibana and PythaiNLP (custom corpus)
  • Recommendation System with Image and Text

Good Luck!