
Datasets for the development of classifiers targeting humor recognition in Portuguese.

Datasets for Humor Recognition in Portuguese

Contains data from four different sources:

  1. Portuguese proverbs (Not Humor) and Portuguese one-liners (Humor)
  2. Headlines from newspaper Público (Not Humor) and Inimigo Público (Humor)

More detailed information can be found in:

Gonçalo Oliveira, H., Clemêncio, A., and Alves, A. (2020). Corpora and baselines for humour recognition in Portuguese. In Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2020, pages 1278-–1285, Marseille, France. ELRA.

If you use these datasets, please cite it, using the following BibTeX:

	address = {Marseille, France},
	author = {Hugo {Gon{\c c}alo Oliveira} and Andr{\'e} Clem{\^e}ncio and Ana Alves},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation},
	pages = {1278‑-1285},
	publisher = {ELRA},
	series = {LREC 2020},
	title = {Corpora and Baselines for Humour Recognition in {P}ortuguese},
	year = {2020}}