Conda recipes for building ROOT 5 and ROOT 6 binaries, root_numpy, rootpy, root_pandas, with both Python 2 and Python 3 support.
- 1
Does not work now
#48 opened by zkcr0000 - 6
ROOT 6.10 / 6.12 build
#35 opened by adsherman - 16
Can not install ROOT
#34 opened by guzelgun - 1
Mac Travis runs failing
#38 opened by egpbos - 1
Linux Travis runs failing
#39 opened by egpbos - 2
cling error missing libraries
#44 opened by sidebo - 1
error while loading shared libraries
#43 opened by fpbarthel - 1
Python 3.7 support
#42 opened by jonas-eschle - 5
Rebuild root6 with --enable-minuit2 ?
#41 opened by fdesse - 1
Packages based on new Anaconda compilers
#33 opened by Zaharid - 5 version 'CXXABI_1.3.9' not found
#32 opened by fdesse - 7
Changes in miniconda 4.3.27 breaking python 2.7
#31 opened by ndawe - 7
must install readline in addition to root=6.04
#30 opened by lepmik - 0
See "conda features" as a way to distinguish between different ROOT build options
#14 opened by remenska - 6
Loading files over XRootD protocol
#12 opened by alexpearce - 2
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <>
#40 opened by fdesse - 3
Update Python and ROOT
#17 opened by fdiblen - 8
installation on mac OS 10.11
#2 opened by CyrilGrignon - 1
PyROOT first install quirk
#6 opened by kreczko - 9
- 0
- 27
fail to import ROOT in python
#29 opened by Hugo-Leung - 14
Python 3.6 builds?
#28 opened by ndawe - 1
- 1
make a list of dependencies with version info
#24 opened by fdiblen - 1
check if we support for 32 bits for every package
#18 opened by fdiblen - 14
- 0
Check JupyROOT and package if useful
#25 opened by fdiblen - 0
Set new DockerHub and Travis accounts
#23 opened by fdiblen - 1
Extend list of supported distros
#15 opened by fdiblen - 0
merge all Markdown files into one single file
#22 opened by fdiblen - 0
stick to either Travis or Jenkins
#21 opened by fdiblen - 0
add distro-root-python matrix to documentation
#20 opened by fdiblen - 0
review and update the documentation
#19 opened by fdiblen - 0
Re-organize scripts and folders
#16 opened by fdiblen - 16
ROOT difficulties with PCRE on SLC6.8
#10 opened by makagan - 1
readline 6.2 picked up from defaults channel, rather than nlesc one (6.2 build 15)
#11 opened by remenska - 7
#9 opened by arogozhnikov - 3
root 6 installation problem
#1 opened by IoanaCodrina - 1
Enable http module in ROOT6.06
#5 opened by remenska - 2
Request: Root update
#4 opened by henryiii - 6
root numpy name conflict
#3 opened by tunnell