
A simple Dockerfile that builds Unbound 1.13.1 --with-pythonmodule support and includes a simple Hello World style Python # module to demonstrate the --with-pythonmodule functionality.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


A simple Dockerfile that builds Unbound --with-pythonmodule support and includes a simple Hello World style Python # module to demonstrate the --with-pythonmodule functionality using Python 3.6.

Hello World

$ docker run -it nlnetlabs/pythonunbound
root@nnn:/usr/local/etc/unbound#: unbound
root@nnn:/usr/local/etc/unbound#: dig +noall +answer @
helloworld.  300 IN A

Develop and test your own Python module for Unbound

Edit the helloworld.py or your own Python module file, reload Unbound then submit DNS queries to the locally running Unbound process to see your module in action. Running Unbound in the foreground with lots of diagnostic output will probably be useful while developing, e.g.:

docker run -it nlnetlabs/pythonunbound
root@nnn:/usr/local/etc/unbound#: unbound -dd -vvvv

Then in another terminal get the container ID with docker ps then connect to it like so:

docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
root@nnn:/usr/local/etc/unbound#: dig +noall +answer @
helloworld.  300 IN A

Building a different version of Unbound

Rather than use the stock version of the image hosted at Docker Hub, you can rebuild the image yourself against any unbound-X.Y.Z.tar.gz available at https://nlnetlabs.nl/downloads/unbound/ by specifying the UNBOUND_VERSION build argument to the docker build command.

For example, to build the image using Unbound 1.8.0:

  1. Clone this repository and CD into the clone directory.
  2. Build the image: docker build --build-arg UNBOUND_VERSION=1.8.0 .