tidynlx provides users with a simple way to interface with NLX’s APIs and return tidyverse-ready tibbles.
The NLx Research Hub API provides access to job posting data provided by the National Labor Exchange in partnership with DirectEmployers. The NLx has recently completed a migration of its historical data warehouse to a new data warehouse that improves data processing, reliability, and availability.
Data from the NLx Research Hub is provided through two APIs:
- Synchronous API: REST API for paging through data 50 records at a time.
- Asynchronous API: REST API for downloading large quantities of data from the NLx Research Hub (i.e. an entire month of jobs data from a single state or territory).
You can install the development version of tidynlx from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
Note: You must be a collaborator on this project and generate a Personal Access Token (PAT). For more information on how to download from a private repo refer to https://remotes.r-lib.org/reference/install_github.html and https://usethis.r-lib.org/articles/git-credentials.html
Before getting started, you will need to receive an API key. If you have not received an API key but expect to have received one, please reach out to admin@nlxresearchhub.org.To get started working with tidynlx, users should load the package and set their NLX API key.
nlx_api_key("YOUR API KEY GOES HERE", install=TRUE)
This is a basic example which shows you how to use the synchronous API:
## Returns 50 records of job postings data from Kentucky using the synchronous NLX API
df <- get_nlx_synch(state_or_territory = 'ky', page = 1)
This is a basic example which shows you how to use the asynchronous API:
## Returns job posting records in Kentucky created between 2021-06-05 and 2021-06-10 (inclusive) using the
## asynchronous NLX API.
df <- get_nlx(state_or_territory='KY', start_date = '2021-06-05', end_date ='2021-06-10')