
[HPEC ’19] Low Overhead Instruction Latency Characterization for NVIDIA GPGPUs

Primary LanguageCuda

GPUs (PTX and SASS) ISA Latencies Microbenchmarks

Low overhead microbenchmarks for NVIDIA GPGPUs Instructions latencies (PTX and SASS) and the access cycles of the various memory hierarchies found in different NVIDIA GPU architectures


  • [HPEC ’19] Low Overhead Instruction Latency Characterization for NVIDIA GPGPUs

  • If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing as:

  author={Y. {Arafa} and A. A. {Badawy} and G. {Chennupati} and N. {Santhi} and S. {Eidenbenz}},
  booktitle={2019 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC)}, 
  title={Low Overhead Instruction Latency Characterization for NVIDIA GPGPUs}, 


GPUs-ISA-Latencies is part of the original PPT (https://github.com/lanl/PPT) and is Unclassified and contains no Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information. It abides with the following computer code from Los Alamos National Laboratory

  • Code Name: Performance Prediction Toolkit, C17098
  • Export Control Review Information: DOC-U.S. Department of Commerce, EAR99
  • B&R Code: YN0100000


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