
A MITM proxy for Cubesensors

Primary LanguageJava

Cubesensors MITM


MITM server for Cubesensors. It collects all data reported by your Cubes, replays all requests back to Cubesensors' API servers and provides a local endpoint to query for latest data.


  • Unless you have found a way to SSH into Cubesensors' gateway (therefore you could use something like IPTABLES; let me know in that case), you need to have a router in which you can specify static DNS entries. In particular, you need to be able to resolve data.cubesensors.com into the IP in which you run this server. This will trick the Cubesensors gateway into contacting this little project here instead of the real Cubesensors server.

Docker support

The easiest way to quickly get up and running is to use Docker by executing:

docker run -d -p 80:80 --restart always --name cubesensors nassos/cubesensors

Data API (local)

To get the values of your cubes you can issue a GET request such as:


Make sure you replace IP-WHERE-YOU-RUN-THIS and CUBEID. If you do not already know the IDs of your cubes, you can check on the log output of this server once the first request from Cubes are properly captured (check the cube= value), e.g.

2018-09-02 19:13:24.304  INFO 6 --- [p-nio-80-exec-7] c.g.nmichas.cubesensors.rest.CubeAPI
: SensorDTO(firmware=78, time=1535915604, data=[DataDTO(battery=2608,
charging=2, cube=REDACTED, firmware=78, humidity=4860, light=4088,
noisedba=48, pressure=963, rssi=-79, temp=2983, voc=0, voc_resistance=3604403926),
DataDTO(battery=2593, charging=2, cube=REDACTED, firmware=78,
humidity=5244, light=4075, noisedba=43, pressure=962, rssi=-77, temp=2627,
voc=551, voc_resistance=107008)])

OpenHAB support

If you're using OpenHAB, here is a quick configuration to pull all the values from your sensors into custom Items using an HTTP binding. Be aware that you need to know (and replace below) the IDs of your cubes.

  • Define cached items for the HTTP binding for each of your cubes in http.cfg:

  • Define the Items:

    Number      Foo_CS_Humidity         {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.humidity)]"}
    Number      Foo_CS_Light            {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.light)]"}
    Number      Foo_CS_Noisedba         {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.noisedba)]"}
    Number      Foo_CS_Pressure         {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.pressure)]"}
    Number      Foo_CS_Temperature      {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.temp)]"}
    Number      Foo_CS_Voc              {http="<[cubesensorsFoo:60000:JSONPATH($.voc)]"}

Home Assistant support

If you're using Home Assistant, here is how you can add the sensors in your configuration.yaml. Be aware that you need to know (and replace below) the IDs of your cubes.

  • Define the sensor(s):
      - platform: rest
        name: cubesensor_bedroom
        resource: http://SERVER-IP/data/XXXXXXXXXXXX
          - humidity
          - light
          - noisedba
          - pressure
          - temp
          - voc
        value_template: 'OK'
  • Define templates from sensors:
    - platform: template
            friendly_name: Bedroom Humidity
            value_template: '{{ states.sensor.cubesensor_bedroom.attributes["humidity"] }}'
            device_class: humidity
            unit_of_measurement: '%'
            friendly_name: Bedroom Light
            value_template: '{{ states.sensor.cubesensor_bedroom.attributes["light"] }}'
            device_class: illuminance
            unit_of_measurement: 'lx'
            friendly_name: Bedroom Noise
            value_template: '{{ states.sensor.cubesensor_bedroom.attributes["noisedba"] }}'        
            unit_of_measurement: 'dbA'
            friendly_name: Bedroom Pressure
            value_template: '{{ states.sensor.cubesensor_bedroom.attributes["pressure"] }}'
            device_class: pressure
            unit_of_measurement: 'mbar'
            friendly_name: Bedroom Temperature
            value_template: '{{ states.sensor.cubesensor_bedroom.attributes["temp"] }}'
            device_class: temperature
            unit_of_measurement: '°C'