Based on CleanRL repo.
- Set up environment
conda env create -p .venv -f environment.yml conda activate ./.venv
- Basic usage
python atari/ --env-id BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 --seed 1 --qnet-name baseline --total-timesteps 1000000 # open another temrminal and enter tensorboard --logdir runs
Model hyper-parameter
a. monDEQ network
: (>0) control how strongly monotone the operator F is--mon-solver-tol
: monDEQ solver parameter - tolerant--mon-solver-max-iters
: monDEQ solver parameter - Max iterations--mon-solver-alpha
: (>0) monDEQ solver parameter - alpha ( Peaceman-Rachford solver will converge for any choice ofalpha
for strongly monotone F , though the convergence speed will often vary substantially based upon α.)
python atari/ --env-id BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4 \ --qnet-name mondeq --mon-model-m 0.1 \ --mon-solver-tol 1e-4 --mon-solver-max-iters 30 --mon-solver-alpha 0.5 \ --seed 1 --total-timesteps 10000000
b. Recurrent model
Training hyper-parameter
We use Adam optimizer
You can directly obtained the documentation by using the --help flag.
python atari/ --help
usage: [-h] [--exp-name EXP_NAME] [--seed SEED] [--torch-deterministic [TORCH_DETERMINISTIC]] [--cuda [CUDA]] [--track [TRACK]] [--wandb-project-name WANDB_PROJECT_NAME]
[--wandb-entity WANDB_ENTITY] [--capture-video [CAPTURE_VIDEO]] [--qnet-name {baseline,recur,mondeq}] [--mon-solver-alpha MON_SOLVER_ALPHA]
[--mon-solver-tol MON_SOLVER_TOL] [--mon-solver-max-iters MON_SOLVER_MAX_ITERS] [--mon-model-m MON_MODEL_M] [--recur-model-num-iters RECUR_MODEL_NUM_ITERS]
[--env-id ENV_ID] [--total-timesteps TOTAL_TIMESTEPS] [--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE] [--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE] [--gamma GAMMA]
[--target-network-frequency TARGET_NETWORK_FREQUENCY] [--max-grad-norm MAX_GRAD_NORM] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE] [--start-e START_E] [--end-e END_E]
[--exploration-fraction EXPLORATION_FRACTION] [--learning-starts LEARNING_STARTS] [--train-frequency TRAIN_FREQUENCY]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--exp-name EXP_NAME the name of this experiment (default: dqn_atari)
--seed SEED seed of the experiment (default: 1)
--torch-deterministic [TORCH_DETERMINISTIC]
if toggled, `torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic=False` (default: True)
--cuda [CUDA] if toggled, cuda will be enabled by default (default: True)
--track [TRACK] if toggled, this experiment will be tracked with Weights and Biases (default: False)
--wandb-project-name WANDB_PROJECT_NAME
the wandb's project name (default: DEQRL)
--wandb-entity WANDB_ENTITY
the entity (team) of wandb's project (default: None)
--capture-video [CAPTURE_VIDEO]
weather to capture videos of the agent performances (check out `videos` folder) (default: False)
--qnet-name {baseline,recur,mondeq}
The name of the Q-Network. Available value: [baseline, recur, mondeq] (default: baseline)
--mon-solver-alpha MON_SOLVER_ALPHA
monDEQ solver parameter - alpha (default: 1.0)
--mon-solver-tol MON_SOLVER_TOL
monDEQ solver parameter - tolerant (default: 0.0001)
--mon-solver-max-iters MON_SOLVER_MAX_ITERS
monDEQ solver parameter - Max iterations (default: 50)
--mon-model-m MON_MODEL_M
monDEQ parameter - m (default: 0.1)
--recur-model-num-iters RECUR_MODEL_NUM_ITERS
recur model parameter - Number of iters (default: 10)
--env-id ENV_ID the id of the environment (default: BreakoutNoFrameskip-v4)
--total-timesteps TOTAL_TIMESTEPS
total timesteps of the experiments (default: 10000000)
--learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
the learning rate of the optimizer (default: 0.0001)
--buffer-size BUFFER_SIZE
the replay memory buffer size (default: 100000)
--gamma GAMMA the discount factor gamma (default: 0.99)
--target-network-frequency TARGET_NETWORK_FREQUENCY
the timesteps it takes to update the target network (default: 1000)
--max-grad-norm MAX_GRAD_NORM
the maximum norm for the gradient clipping (default: 0.5)
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
the batch size of sample from the reply memory (default: 32)
--start-e START_E the starting epsilon for exploration (default: 1)
--end-e END_E the ending epsilon for exploration (default: 0.01)
--exploration-fraction EXPLORATION_FRACTION
the fraction of `total-timesteps` it takes from start-e to go end-e (default: 0.1)
--learning-starts LEARNING_STARTS
timestep to start learning (default: 80000)
--train-frequency TRAIN_FREQUENCY
the frequency of training (default: 4)