App Features :

1: Beautiful Design
2: Login, SignUp & Forget
3: Current Place & Near by Places
4: Map Styles, Traffic enable, Custom Marker Custom info window
5: Show Direction using different travel mode WALKING, BIKE< DRIVING TRANSIT
6: Save Place and show save Places 7: Edit Username, Email, Password and Image 8: Finger print authentication 9: Logout

Technologies :

1: Google Map SDK, Places & Direction API's 2: Navigation Component 3: View Binding 4: Data Binding 5: Firebase Authentication, Real-Time Database & Cloud Storage 6: Kotlin Coroutines 7: Kotlin Flow 8: MVVM Pattern

If you clone this project you need to add your Firebase Porject and link it with this project and create your own Google API KEY in which you enable Google Map SDK Android, Places and Direction API's.