Welcome to the NOAA-FEAT GitHub Organization!

This is the landing page for FEAT Team members and collaborators. Please go to individual repositories for any code needs. We are experimenting with where to put certain resources for FEAT. For example, should we put our "best practices" documents here, or link them in the brief header on our organization page?

Data requests

If you are interested in a data product, submit it as an issue to this repository. Eventually we plan to have a form to fill out to track each data request.

If possible, include the following information when you create an data request issue:

  • Data product requested (biomass, length frequency, etc)
  • Species (hake or krill)
  • Latitudinal range
  • Time period

Data requests and queries for bottom trawl data can be made from the FRAM Data Warehouse GitHub page

Where to begin?

If you are new to GitHub, check out the main GitHub page, or look at the setup repo issue tracker if you're interested in contributing.


Are you looking for ideas or resources about how to onboard people from your NOAA team who are brand new to GitHub? AFSC GAP put together some ideas here.