
Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'des' below lower bound of 1

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I am working on migrating our pre-202204 SHiELD code (old-main) to the new 202210 tag. I'm running SHiELD with a configuration as close as possible to the regional_nest_Laura test case with a few changes: (1) initial conditions are changed to 9/1/22 0Z at 1/2-degree (C192) resolution, (2) the 'nest' namelist option is removed, and (3) the lines in input.nml under namelist "gfdl_mp_nml" are commented out based on recommendations from Lucas and Linjiong. I'm also compiling in 'debug' mode via mk_make.

I'm getting this runtime error:

At line 7233 of file /SHiELD_SRC/GFDL_atmos_cubed_sphere/model/gfdl_mp.F90
Fortran runtime error: Index '0' of dimension 1 of array 'des' below lower bound of 1

For reference, gfdl_mp.F90 line 7233 and a few lines before:

    tmin = tice - 160.
    ap1 = 10. * dim (tk, tmin) + 1.
    ap1 = min (2621., ap1)
    qs_core = es_core (length, tk, table, des) / (rvgas * tk * den)
    it = ap1 - 0.5
    dqdt = 10. * (des (it) + (ap1 - it) * (des (it + 1) - des (it))) / (rvgas * tk * den)

dqdt = 10. * (des (it) + (ap1 - it) * (des (it + 1) - des (it))) / (rvgas * tk * den)

Are there any insights for this error?

As an update, I believe this error was fixed by upgrading to the most recent version of FMS - in this case "2022.04"