Microphysics always initialized with hydrostatic=.true.

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When running without inline microphysics the GFS layer initializes the microphysics by creating a Statein and then passing Statein(1)%dycore_hydrostatic to gfdl_cld_mp_init. The problem with this is that Statein%dycore_hydrostatic is set to .true.` by default and isn't overwritten with the actual model configuration before initializing the microphysics:

call gfdl_cld_mp_init (Model%input_nml_file, Init_parm%logunit, Statein(1)%dycore_hydrostatic)

Statein%dycore_hydrostatic = .true.

This causes the parameters such as c_air to be set to their hydrostatic values instead of their nonhydrostatic values, and overrides do_sedi_w with .false. regardless of what is in the namelist.

I think this was fixed by #26.