A plugin contains component for generating organized controllers list with include,exclude,order,sort and cache options.
- CakePHP 2.1.0 or greater.
- Click here
- or with Git:
- Submodule:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/JacopKane/Cake-ControllersList.git path/to/Plugins/ControllersList```
* Clone:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/JacopKane/Cake-ControllersList.git /path/to/Plugins/ControllersList```
- Load the plugin at bootstrap
- Define the component at your controller.
public $components = array('ControllersList.GetList' => array(
'exclude' => array('Pages'),
'plugins_exclude' => array('DebugKit', 'CakeFoo'),
'order_by' => 'order',
'cache' => false
###Other Options:
'cache' => true, //must use especially if order sorting is enabled
'log' => true, //if enabled, it'll log it, everytime new cache created
'set_disable' => false, //enable to pass list as a variable to the view
'set_variable' => 'controllersList', //variable name for getting controller lists in views
'exclude_currentController' => false, //exclude current controller
'exclude_appControllers' => true, //exclude AppController and PluginAppControllers
'exclude' => array(), //for excluding some extra controller names
'include' => array(), //for including some extra controller names
'order_sort' => 'desc', //desc or asc sorting
'order_by' => 'name', //sort by name or order
'order_disabled' => false, //for using this sorting you can add a "$order" property in your controller. enabling cache for this deadly recommended.
'plugins_disable' => false, //don't scan plugins
'plugins_exclude' => array(), //for excluding some extra plugin's controller
'plugins_include' => array() //for including some extra plugin's controller