
Console replacement with syntax highlighted JSON output written with ES7

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A console that can outputs syntax highlighted JSON with circular reference support

It also supports outputting circular references.

Supports ES5, ES7, CommonJS, System, ES6 modules, and AMD. Works in node.js also should (not tested yet) work in browser.

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npm install --save @nod/console


import { Console, Configuration as ConsoleConfig } from '@nod/console';

let console = new Console(new ConsoleConfig());
let { error, warn, info, log, debug } = console;

log('Simple log');
info('Too much info');
console.warn('This is a warning human !');


require('@nod/console', function(nodConsole) {
  var console = new nodConsole.Console();
  console.info('RequireJS is so 2013.');

ES5 CommonJS

var nodConsole = require('@nod/console');
var console = new nodConsole.Console();
console.info('ES5 is boring but it also works.');


import { Console, Configuration } from '@nod/console';

let options = new Configuration({ // this will auto merge options
  enabled   : true, // disable and enable switch
  logTypes  : false, // log also variable types
  level     : 'debug', // debug < log < info < warn < error

let standart = {
  output : console.log.bind(console),
  error : console.error.bind(console)

let console = new Console(options, standart);

All methods have strict type checking please check source code.

Build and develop:



npm run default

Please check available gulp tasks with:

gulp -T


  • Gulp tasks as another dependency
  • Maybe add stream support
  • Add inline docs


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