
Selenium Test scripts and Utilities for Escher.jl

Primary LanguagePython


Selenium Test scripts and Utilities for Escher.jl

Project structure

for each $(JULIADIR)/example/<name>.jl there should be an associated test_<name>.py and test_<name>.jl. Each contains several tests cases corresponding to the example.

runtests.jl will start a server and run each test file indepently. You may run the python test with the command-line option --py,

As of now the Julia version uses PyCall, but Selenium bindings may be used in the near future

Command line options
usage: runtests.jl [-x] [-y] [-s] [-d DRIVER] [-p PORT] [-h]

This program runs Selenium tests on a list of Escher examples

positional arguments:
  files                list of files to run tests on, will look for
                       run_<filename>.jl in current dir for each test

optional arguments:
  -x, --xvfb           Run browser in a virtual framebuffer (Requires
  -y, --py             Run python version of tests
  -s, --serve          Serve examples folder before running tests
  -d, --driver DRIVER  Driver (Browser) to use, case-sensitive
                       (default: "Chrome")
  -p, --port PORT      Port to run the HTTP server on (type: Int64,
                       default: 5555)
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  • fix scope by putting tests into modules
  • create Julia selenium bindings to WebDriver (low priority)
  • inline-tests
  • Travis-CI

External References

Shadow DOM