A GridView which allows to set individual Rects for the Cells. So you can define Cells with different Sizes, used for e.g. in Timetables, EPGs, etc.
- 0xcedFribourg, Switzerland
- andydukeAmazing Softworks
- berzniz@toriihq
- billgarrisonStandard Orbit Software, LLC
- brototypBerlin
- cabbiepeteMyHR Limited
- coneybeare@UrbanApps @ticketevolution
- Cosmo@BavMind
- CVertex@thoughtworks
- darkseedTom Mulder
- elango@Invenico
- fusenigk
- gerardp
- gscarroneItaly
- hanonno@Adyen
- jsooriah
- juliendelarbre
- kenguishLondon
- kylerocheGriptape
- ldmiao
- linoxSmile Tech
- littlehj
- navy3
- radianttapRadiant Tap
- rastersize@netflix
- seboslawBerlin, Germany
- sfortelnWinter Garden, FL
- sharpSiga
- shinyzhuNeo4j
- simoneleopizziSLOOKY
- siuyingUnited Kingdom
- smartfish
- smoothdvd
- syncDbleChoc
- williSan Francisco + Copenhagen
- ziresRCC