
FaKnow is designed for reproducing and developing fake news detection algorithms.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


doc license release

FaKnow (Fake Know), a unified Fake News Detection algorithms library based on PyTorch, is designed for reproducing and developing fake news detection algorithms. It includes 22 models(see at Integrated Models), covering 2 categories:

  • content based
  • social context


  • Unified Framework: provide a unified interface to cover a series of algorithm development processes, including data processing, model developing, training and evaluation
  • Generic Data Structure: use json as the file format read into the framework to fit the format of the data crawled down, allowing the user to customize the processing of different fields
  • Diverse Models: contains a number of representative fake news detection algorithms published in conferences or journals during recent years, including a variety of content-based and social context-based models
  • Convenient Usability: pytorch based style makes it easy to use with rich auxiliary functions like loss visualization, logging, parameter saving
  • Great Scalability: users just focus on the exposed API and inherit built-in classes to reuse most of the functionality and only need to write a little code to meet new requirements


FaKnow is available for Python 3.8 and higher.

Make sure PyTorch(including torch and torchvision) and PyG(including torch_geometric and optional dependencies) are already installed.

  • from pip
pip install faknow
  • from source
git clone https://github.com/NPURG/FaKnow.git && cd FaKnow
pip install -e . --verbose

Usage Examples

Quick Start

We provide several methods to run integrated models quickly with passing only few arguments. For hyper parameters like learning rate, values from the open source code of the paper are taken as default. You can also pass your own defined hyper parameters to these methods.


You can use run and run_from_yaml methods to run integrated models. The former receives the parameters as dict keyword arguments and the latter reads them from the yaml configuration file.

  • run from kargs
from faknow.run import run

model = 'mdfend'  # lowercase short name of models
kargs = {'train_path': 'train.json', 'test_path': 'test.json'}  # dict arguments
run(model, **kargs)

the json file for mdfend should be like:

        "text": "this is a sentence.",
        "domain": 9,
        "label": 1
        "text": "this is a sentence.",
        "domain": 1,
        "label": 0
  • run from yaml
# demo.py
from faknow.run import run_from_yaml

model = 'mdfend'  # lowercase short name of models
config_path = 'mdfend.yaml'  # config file path
run_from_yaml(model, config_path)

your yaml config file should be like:

# mdfend.yaml
train_path: train.json # the path of training set file
test_path: test.json # the path of testing set file

run specific models

You can also run specific models using run_$model$ and run_$model$_from_yaml methods by passing parameter, where $model$ should be the lowercase name of the integrated model you want to use. The usages are the same as run and run_from_yaml. Following is an example to run mdfend.

from faknow.run.content_based.run_mdfend import run_mdfend, run_mdfend_from_yaml

# run from kargs
kargs = {'train_path': 'train.json', 'test_path': 'test.json'}  # dict training arguments

# or run from yaml
config_path = 'mdfend.yaml'  # config file path

Run From Scratch

Following is an example to run mdfend from scratch.

from faknow.data.dataset.text import TextDataset
from faknow.data.process.text_process import TokenizerFromPreTrained
from faknow.evaluate.evaluator import Evaluator
from faknow.model.content_based.mdfend import MDFEND
from faknow.train.trainer import BaseTrainer

import torch
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader

# tokenizer for MDFEND
max_len, bert = 170, 'bert-base-uncased'
tokenizer = TokenizerFromPreTrained(max_len, bert)

# dataset
batch_size = 64
train_path, test_path, validate_path = 'train.json', 'test.json', 'val.json'

train_set = TextDataset(train_path, ['text'], tokenizer)
train_loader = DataLoader(train_set, batch_size, shuffle=True)

validate_set = TextDataset(validate_path, ['text'], tokenizer)
val_loader = DataLoader(validate_set, batch_size, shuffle=False)

test_set = TextDataset(test_path, ['text'], tokenizer)
test_loader = DataLoader(test_set, batch_size, shuffle=False)

# prepare model
domain_num = 9
model = MDFEND(bert, domain_num)

# optimizer and lr scheduler
lr, weight_decay, step_size, gamma = 0.00005, 5e-5, 100, 0.98
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(),
scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size, gamma)

# metrics to evaluate the model performance
evaluator = Evaluator()

# train and validate
num_epochs, device = 50, 'cpu'
trainer = BaseTrainer(model, evaluator, optimizer, scheduler, device=device)
trainer.fit(train_loader, num_epochs, validate_loader=val_loader)

# show test result

Integrated Models

category paper journal/conference publish year source repository our code
Content Based Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification EMNLP 2014 yoonkim/CNN_sentence TextCNN
EANN: Event Adversarial Neural Networks for Multi-Modal Fake News Detection KDD 2018 yaqingwang/EANN-KDD18 EANN
SpotFake: A Multimodal Framework for Fake News Detection BigMM 2019 shiivangii/SpotFake SpotFake
SAFE: Similarity-Aware Multi-Modal Fake News Detection PAKDD 2020 Jindi0/SAFE SAFE
MDFEND: Multi-domain Fake News Detection CIKM 2021 kennqiang/MDFEND-Weibo21 MDFEND
Multimodal Fusion with Co-Attention Networks for Fake News Detection ACL 2021 wuyang45/MCAN_code MCAN
HMCAN: Hierarchical Multi-modal Contextual Attention Network for fake news Detection SIGIR 2021 wangjinguang502/HMCAN HMCAN
MFAN: Multi-modal Feature-enhanced Attention Networks for Rumor Detection IJCAI 2022 drivsaf/MFAN MFAN
Generalizing to the Future: Mitigating Entity Bias in Fake News Detection SIGIR 2022 ICTMCG/ENDEF-SIGIR2022 ENDEF
M3FEND: Memory-Guided Multi-View Multi-Domain Fake News Detection TKDE 2022 ICTMCG/M3FEND M3FEND
CAFE: Cross-modal Ambiguity Learning for Multimodal Fake News Detection WWW 2022 cyxanna/CAFE CAFE
Social Context Semi-Supervised Classification with Graph Convolutional Networks ICLR 2017 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews GCN
Inductive Representation Learning on Large Graphs NeurIPS 2017 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews GraphSAGE
Graph Attention Networks ICLR 2018 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews GAT
Fake News Detection on Social Media using Geometric Deep Learning arXiv 2019 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews GCNFN
Rumor detection on social media with bi-directional graph convolutional networks AAAI 2020 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews BIGCN
FANG: Leveraging Social Context for Fake News Detection Using Graph Representation CIKM 2020 nguyenvanhoang7398/FANG Fang
Graph neural networks with continual learning for fake news detection from social media arXiv 2020 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews GNNCL
User Preference-aware Fake News Detection SIGIR 2021 safe-graph/GNN-FakeNews UPFD
DUDEF: Mining Dual Emotion for Fake News Detection WWW 2021 RMSnow/WWW2021 DUDEF
Towards Propagation Uncertainty: Edge-enhanced Bayesian Graph Convolutional Networks for Rumor Detection, ACL 2021 ACL 2021 weilingwei96/EBGCN EBGCN
Towards Trustworthy Rumor Detection with Interpretable Graph Structural Learning CIKM 2023 Anonymous4ScienceAuthor/TrustRD TrustRD


If you use the library above, please cite our work.

  title = {{{FaKnow}}: {{A Unified Library}} for {{Fake News Detection}}},
  shorttitle = {{{FaKnow}}},
  author = {Zhu, Yiyuan and Li, Yongjun and Wang, Jialiang and Gao, Ming and Wei, Jiali},
  year = {2024},
  month = jan,
  number = {arXiv:2401.16441},
  eprint = {2401.16441},
  primaryclass = {cs},
  publisher = {{arXiv}},
  archiveprefix = {arxiv},
  keywords = {Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence,Computer Science - Computation and Language,Computer Science - Machine Learning}


FaKnow has a MIT-style license, as found in the LICENSE file.