NRCan's Ruby scripts for batch analysis and optimization with HOT2000
- 0
Missing Archetype Folder
#123 opened by jono-vision - 0
Compatibility with HOT2000 v11.10?
#121 opened by LandonRieger - 0
Remove htap_viewer broken options
#110 opened by hordichuk - 0
merge memory-patch branch
#105 opened by fergusoa - 0
#103 opened by fergusoa - 0
Remove binary doc files
#104 opened by fergusoa - 2
Heated Floor Area
#43 opened by asaee - 0
Key energy savings opportunities: Findings from LEEP
#61 opened by fergusoa - 1
Review 9.36 use case with Adam, NRC
#22 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 0
Git Project Management strategies:
#55 opened by fergusoa - 0
Map of all blowerdoor tests
#60 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 0
Verify pros/cons of wiki vs markdown format; recommend documentation approach for HTAP
#58 opened by fergusoa - 0
Get NRC familiar with AWS use
#23 opened by fergusoa - 0
`Opt-HVAC` is misleading
#24 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 1
- 0
Archetypes documentation
#59 opened by fergusoa - 1
Missing <AddedToSlab>
#71 opened by please-wait - 0
- 1
Add auto-testing capabilities to HTAP
#63 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 1
Rotation of models and output averaging
#42 opened by A-Wills - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
Review HP rating temperature
#14 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 0
- 0
Implement time-out configuration
#54 opened by fergusoa - 2
- 0
Bug in NBC rulesets for crawl-spaces
#35 opened by fergusoa - 2
Clean junk out of HOT2000.options file(s)
#10 opened by fergusoa - 1
Update documentation
#12 opened by fergusoa - 3
htap-prm.rb returns "Fatal Error! HOT2000 message box or couldn't load file!" but the generated .h2k files seem to work.
#46 opened by please-wait - 0
General mode run with 9.36 Boundary conditions
#36 opened by fergusoa - 0
- 1
getHeatedFloorArea in substitute-h2k.rb does not correctly calculate the heated floor area
#33 opened by fergusoa - 1
- 0
- 3
Substitute-h2k.rb: Improve foundation upgrades
#30 opened by jblake59 - 3
- 0
- 5
- 1
- 6
Add additional reporting parameters required for NBC
#16 opened by fergusoa - 1
- 0
- 1
Develop hook for NRC 9.36 ruleset workaround
#8 opened by fergusoa