Substitute-h2k.rb: Add support for different types of ceilings

fergusoa opened this issue · 4 comments

Provide support for changing the insulation in ceilings of a specific construction type rather than changing all ceilings to one insulation level. There are five (5) ceiling construction types in HOT2000:

Attic/gable, Attic/hip, Cathedral, Flat and Scissor.

Attic/gable and Attic/hip should be grouped together as they will have similar insulation levels.

Proposal: I believe this can be achieved with the addition of new options that only find ceiling entries of a specific construction type as follows:

  • Opt-Ceilings: The current option will remain as-is (change ALL ceilings)
  • Opt-AtticCeilings: Change only ceilings of this construction type
  • Opt-CathedralCeilings: Change only ceilings of this construction type
  • Opt-FlatCeilings: Change only ceilings of this construction type
  • Opt-ScissorCeilings: Change only ceilings of this construction type

While i understand that scissors are their own ceiling "type", I think they can be lumped in with cathedrals.

@julia-purdy : I suggest an alternate grouping as follows:

  • Opt-Ceilings: The current option will remain as-is. Note that this should NOT be used in conjunction with the new ones below!
  • Opt-AtticCeilings: Change only ceilings of construction type Attic/gable, Attic/hip and Scissor
  • Opt-CathCeilings: Change only ceilings of construction type Cathedral
  • Opt-FlatCeilings: Change only ceilings of construction type Flat

Note that the code library has two categories for ceiling codes:

  • Ceiling Codes (includes Attic/gable, Attic/hip, Scissor)
  • Flat or Cathedral Ceiling Codes

For a code library name to be applied in an HTAP run it must exist in one (or both) or these groups. Note that the HOT2000 Code Editor GUI enforces UNIQUE code names ACROSS ALL GROUPS so the code editor won't allow the same name to exist in both of the above group names.