
Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Fair Forests Regression Models


Eric A. Bensen: ebensen@andrew.cmu.edu
Joseph Severino: joseph.severino@nrel.gov
Juliette Ugirumurera: jugirumu@nrel.gov


This repository contains a framework for building, measuring bias and correcting bias in 3 popular bagging and boosting regression models: gradient boosted trees (GBT), random forest (RF), and XGBoost models, using the XGBoost library. The framework takes advantage of the flexibility in XGBoost library to represent gradient boosted tree and random forest models, as well as the ability to use custom loss function. This code is associated with NREL software record SWR-24-38.

Setting up conda environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ai_bias

To enable the ai_bias conda environment in Jupyter notebook:

conda activate ai_bais
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=ai_bias

After these steps, you should see ai_bias as a kernel in the Jupyter notebook interface.

Scripts Parameters

Model Type

Parameter Description
rf Random Forest Model
gbt Gradient Boosted Trees
xgb Extreme Gradient Boosted Trees

Correction Terms

Parameter Description
pearson Pearson correlation for linear relationship
distance Distance correlation for non-linear
kendall Kendall's Tau for non-linear. This will run the slowest

Demographic attribute

CDC Variable Name Description
AGE17 Persons aged 17 and younger
AGE65 Persons aged 65 and older
CROWD At household level (occupied housing units), more people than rooms
DISABL Civilian non-institutionalized population with a disability
GROUPQ Persons in group quarters
LIMENG Persons (age 5+) who speak English "less than well"
MINRTY Minority (all persons except white, non-Hispanic)
MOBILE Mobile Homes
MUNIT Housing in structures with 10 or more units estimate
NOHSDP Persons (age 25+) with no high school diploma
NOVEH Households with no vehicle available
PCI Per capita Income
POV Persons below proverty
SNGPNT Single parent household with children under 18
UNEMP Civilian (age 16+) unemployed

Train Baseline GBT, RF, and XGBoost

This steps allows to train baseline GBT, RF or XGBoost forest models to test bias on.

python base_model_opt.py --model_type {model type} --demographic {demographic attribute}

Use the table above to see allowed values for the --model_type and --demographic parameters. The minority demographic MINRTY is the default demographic value.

Testing for Bias

The base_model_bias_testing.ipynb notebook is used to test for bias in a pre-trained XGBoost, GBT, and RF models. This approach can also be used to test bias in other machine learning models that can be implemented in this framework. The bias testing method takes as input:

  • Pre-trained machine learning model in the base_models folder.
  • Test dataset to calculate the model's error. This repo includes some test files in the data folder.

Bias Mitigation

To do bias mitigation, we train the tree-based models with a custom loss function that combines the training loss function and a correction term that penalizes high correlation between the model's error and a protected attribute. We use a parameter gamma, with values in [0,1], to understand the trade-off between model performance and demographic bias in the models. That is, when gamma = 0, the training process ignores the correction terms and focus on maximizing the model's accuracy. When gamma = 1, the training process only focuses on minimizing the model's bias. We use the gamma_sweeps.py to do a thorough analysis of the models types and the correction terms. See below for more instructions.

Gamma: Gamma is tested with values: {0} and 50 values drawn from interval [0.5, 0.9999]. You can modify the set of gammas considered by changing line 144 and 146 in gamma_sweeps.py script.

To Run gamma_sweeps.py in Terminal:

python -W ignore gamma_sweeps.py --model_type {model type} --correction {correction term} --demographic {demographic attribute}

The minority demographic (MINRTY) is the default protected demographic attribute if the --demographic is not used.

If the code is running properly, you should see the output like below:

Model: {model type}, Correction: distance, Loading data...
Model: {model type}, Correction: distance, Sweeping Gamma...
Model: {model type}, Correction: distance, Gamma: 0.5, 1/51

Results will populate in the results_{model_type} folders within this repo's folder.

Visualizing Results

To plot results please use this visualization notebook.