The National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind Analysis Library (NRWAL):
- A library of offshore wind cost equations (plus new energy technologies like marine hydro!)
- Easy equation manipulation without editing source code
- Full continental-scale integration with the NREL Renewable Energy Potential Model (reV)
- Ready-to-use configs for basic users
- Dynamic python tools for intuitive equation handling
- One seriously badass sea unicorn
To get started with NRWAL, check out the NRWAL Config documentation or the NRWAL example notebook. You can also launch the notebook in an interactive jupyter shell right in your browser without any downloads or software using binder.
Ready to build a model with NRWAL but don't want to contribute to the library? No problem! Check out the example getting started project here.
Here is the important stuff:
- Create a new environment:
conda create --name nrwal
- Activate directory:
conda activate nrwal
- Install reVX:
pip install NREL-NRWAL
orconda install nrel-nrwal --channel=nrel
- from home dir,
git clone
- enter github username
- enter github password
- from home dir,
- Create
environment and install package - Create a conda env:
conda create -n nrwal
- Run the command:
conda activate nrwal
- cd into the repo cloned in 1.
- prior to running
below, make sure the branch is correct (install from master!) - Install
and its dependencies by running:pip install .
(orpip install -e .
if running a dev branch or working on the source code)
- Create a conda env:
- Create
Variable Name | Long Name | Source | Units |
aeff | Array Efficiency | array_efficiency input layer, computed from ORBIT | % |
capex_multi | CAPEX Multiplier | Supplied by user | unit-less |
depth | Water depth (positive values) | bathymetry input layer | m |
dist_a_to_s | Distance from assembly area to site | Computed from assembly_area input layer | km |
dist_op_to_s | Distance from operating port to site | ports_operations input layer | km |
dist_p_to_a | Distance from port (construction no-limit) to assembly area | assembly_area input layer | km |
dist_p_to_s | Distance from construction port to site | ports_construction input layer | km |
dist_p_to_s_nolimit | Distance from no-limit construction port to site | ports_construction_nolimit input layer | km |
dist_s_to_l | Distance site to nearest land | dist_to_coast input layer | km |
fixed_downtime | Average weather downtime for fixed structure turbines | weather_downtime_fixed_bottom input layer | fraction |
floating_downtime | Average weather downtime for floating structure turbines | weather_downtime_floating input layer | fraction |
gcf | Gross capacity factor | Computed by reV / SAM with losses == 0 | unit-less |
hs_average | Significant wave height to determine weather downtime | weather_downtime_mean_wave_height_buoy input layer | m |
num_turbines | Number of turbines in array | Supplied by user | unit-less |
transmission_multi | Tranmission cost multiplier | Supplied by user | unit-less |
turbine_capacity | Capacity of each turbine in the array | Supplied by user | MW |
If using the NRWAL software (replace with current version and DOI):
- Grant Buster, Jake Nunemaker, and Michael Rossol. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory Wind Analysis Library (NRWAL). (version v0.0.2), 2021.
If using the Offshore Wind (OSW) cost equations:
- Beiter, Philipp, Walter Musial, Aaron Smith, Levi Kilcher, Rick Damiani, Michael Maness, Senu Sirnivas, Tyler Stehly, Vahan Gevorgian, Meghan Mooney, and George Scott. “A Spatial-Economic Cost-Reduction Pathway Analysis for U.S. Offshore Wind Energy Development from 2015–2030.” National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), September 1, 2016.
If using the marine energy reference model (RM) cost models:
- Jenne, D. S., Y. H. Yu, and V. Neary. “Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis of Marine and Hydrokinetic Reference Models: Preprint.” National Renewable Energy Lab. (NREL), Golden, CO (United States), April 24, 2015.