
Repository for FASTSim vehicles.
Public version of this repo: FASTSim vehicle import repo: FASTSim repo:

Release Process

When a vehicle or set of vehicles in the to_be_released/ folder is ready for release from the private git branch:

  1. Move the vehicle to the public/ folder, add the new file in git, and commit the change.
  2. Push the change to in the private branch.
  3. Create a Pull Request (PR) to merge the private branch into main.
  4. Pull main from and then push main to

This works because the private/ and to_be_released/ folders were deleted as part of a commit in main. Note that the private branch should never be pushed to any repo outside of NREL and that main should never be merged into private.

Calibration and Validation Nomenclature

Level Calibration Validation
0 Vehicle is parameterized without any fitting to performance data. Maybe we should call this parameterization. N/A
1 Vehicle parameters are adjusted so that model results reasonably match test data for aggregate, cycle-level data (e.g. fuel usage, net SOC change) Model results reasonably match at least some aggregate, cycle-level test data not used in any calibration process
2 Vehicle parameters are adjusted so that model results reasonably match test data for time-resolved test data (e.g. instantaneous fuel usage, instantaneous cumulative fuel usage, instantaneous SOC) Model results reasonably match at least some time-resolved test data not used in any calibration process


  • link to example of properly filled out yaml file with detailed explanation of everything
  • link to template yaml file