This is a library that allows embedded developers working with the tinyAVR® 1-series MCUs to interface these devices to seven-segment LED displays. These devices are commonly found on AliExpress and similar sites as 4 digit modules, though variants are also seen.
This code is tested with the ATtiny 1616 but other devices in this series should work fine also.
You will need to import the library files: TM1637_TINY1_SMALL.h
and TM1637_TINY1_SMALL.c
and link them. Modify the following preprocessor definitions in the header file:
- default(PORTA)
- default(PORTA)
- defaultPIN6_bm
- defaultPIN7_bm
An example application is included. A simplified example follows:
#define F_CPU 20000000UL
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/cpufunc.h>
#include "TM1637_TINY1_SMALL.h"
int main(void)
/* Disable system clock prescaler */
ccp_write_io((void *)&(CLKCTRL.MCLKCTRLB), 0x00);
/* Initialize display interface and clear screen */
TM1637_init(1, 5, 4);
/* Display 75.99 on-screen */
TM1637_display_number_decimal(7599, false, 1);
while (1) {
- TM1637 datasheet - this goes into the communication protocol and command set in detail. The datasheet is poorly written, but is comprehensible for the most part. Sort of.
Original copy copyright: Copyright © 2017, Łukasz Marcin Podkalicki This codebase carried the BSD 2-Clause license which is included here. Github
The code was forked at updated for the Codevision AVR compiler by Pouria Amiri - Github.