This is the source code for the site, the personal weblog of Alan Duncan.
The site is built using Hugo, a static site generating platform and styled with a heavily modified version of the Mainroad theme. The theme is not a submodule of this project. It's just easier for me to manage when everything is all integrated. Besides, I'm not planning on reusing this theme in any other project. So why not?
To create a new post: hugo new post/yyy-mm-dd-your-title/
To build the site and serve it locally for testing: hugo server -D
or to build for deployment, just hugo
There is currently no facility for deploying the site. Simply build and use Transmit to upload the public
- Uses the built-in syntax highlighting, which uses Chroma. Since I want to use a specific theme, the configuration parameter
pygmentsUseClasses = true
is set in the site configuration file. The site is currently using the Monokai light style. Note that the syntax.css file is expected in static/css/syntax.css and has to be built from the Chroma style:hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokailight > syntax.css
then just move the generated css file into place.
- Syntax highlighting in Hugo
- Chroma styles - syntax highlighter styles
- Chroma syntax highlighter - project page for the syntax highlighter in use by Hugo.
- Hugo syntax highlighting - documentation page for Hugo syntax colouring
- Hugo data handling/templating
- Working with data in Hugo - a tutorial on dealing with data in Hugo templates