
Align the hyperspectral image with the RGB image

Primary LanguagePython


Align the hyperspectral image with the RGB image

To install the dependencies using anaconda, use the .yaml file.

To create an environment and install the dependencies using anaconda, run the command -

conda env create -f align.yaml

Create an output folder in the image_alignment folder using the command -

mkdir output

To run the scripts for a single RGB image and hyperspectral matrix pair, use the command (to compute homography matrix):

python main.py --hyper-img hyper_image_path --rgb-img rgb_image_path --mode 1

To increase brightness of the hyperspectral image, threshold the image and add it to the original hyperspectral image. Use parameters image_thresh_high and image_thresh_low to threshold the image. Use argument 'distance' to find good matches (default=0.6). Use argument 'gaussian_sigma' to modify sigma of the SIFT algorithm.

python main.py --hyper-img hyper_image_path --rgb-img rgb_image_path --mode 1 --image_thresh_high 120 --image_thresh_low 50 --distance 0.7 --gaussian_sigma 1.6

To run for a set of images.

  1. Modify the .csv file

    Format: header - hyper_img,rgb_images filename1 - hyper_img_path,rgb_img_path filename2 filename3

    (Example file is present in the test_pipeline folder)

  2. Run the script with the command -

python main.py --img-csv csv_rgb_hyper_image_paths --mode 2

The directory structure before running the scripts should look like -


+-- config.py

+-- Alignment_testing (Folder where RGB image and hyperspectral excel file is stored.)

| +-- RGB_image file

| +-- Hyperspectral matrix excel file

+-- Output (Script will automatically create subdirectories for each of the example images.)

+-- utils.py

+-- test.csv

+-- README.md

+-- main.py

Instructions on how to build OpenCV using PIP -

pip3 install opencv-python
pip3 install opencv-contrib-python

Instructions on how to install SIFT and SURF in OpenCV (build from the source) -

Detailed installation instructions, can be found here

  1. Change the directory
cd ~
  1. Clone the OpenCV and OpenCV-contrib repository
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib.git
  1. Make a folder build inside opencv
cd opencv
mkdir build
cd build
  1. Build install using CMAKE and MAKE (Please note the parameter information and make sure OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH is set to the path of the second repository cloned in step 2)
export CONDA_HOME=~/anaconda3 
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=$CONDA_HOME/envs/cv/lib/python3.7
    -D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/opencv_contrib/modules \
    -D PYTHON3_LIBRARY=$CONDA_HOME/envs/[envname]/lib/libpython3.7m.dylib \
    -D PYTHON3_INCLUDE_DIR=$CONDA_HOME/envs/[envname]/include/python3.7m \
    -D PYTHON3_EXECUTABLE=$CONDA_HOME/envs/[envname]/bin/python \
    -D PYTHON3_PACKAGES_PATH=$CONDA_HOME/envs/[envname]/lib/python3.7/site-packages \
make -j4
  1. Install the files
sudo make install