
Centralized router configuration,Including the addition, deletion, modification, query of routes and permissions 配置化路由管理,动态增删改路由,自动化权限

Primary LanguageTypeScript


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react-router-manage is based on react-router v6. It can realize the function of authentication, guard, add, delete and check of route by configuration. Because react-router v5 upgrades to v6 have a high cost, react-router-manage provides the API from the original v5 section for compatible projects that use v5 for smooth upgrades to v6

  • 🛠 [config router] - Centralized router configuration, fast and convenient management.
  • + [addRoutes] - Dynamically add routes: you can use hook useAddRoutes to add routes and automatically refresh the view.
  • ➖ [removeRoutes] - Dynamically delete routes: you can use hook useRemoveRoutes to delete routes and automatically refresh the view.
  • 🖇 [updateRoutes] - Dynamically modify routes: you can use hook useUpdateRoutes to modify routes.
  • 🔐 [permission] - Permission control: configure the code of the route and automatically manage the permission of the route
  • 👨‍✈️‍ [route guard] - Provide hooks for route entry config beforeEnter and beforeEachMount, route exit hook useBeforeLeave
  • 🌲 [navigation] - level navigation: supports level navigation, and automatically generates navigation bars for parent-child routes, such as breadcrumbs and menu navigation


npm install react-router-manage --save


Configuration items


field name description type is required
basename the routing prefix of the route string not required, default is /
routes hierarchical configuration of routes RouteTypeI[] required
beforeEachMount each route is called before rendering `(to: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: ({path?: string; name: string} React.ComponentType) => void): void`
autoDocumentTitle the title of the document changes depending on the route switch boolean | (RouteTypeI[]) => string not required, default is false
LoadingComponent Used for react Suspend component to configure fallback when loading asynchronous components or before next called React.FunctionComponent not required

router modes

There are currently two router modes:

  • history
  • hash

A simple global configuration(history mode)

import React from 'react';
import { MRouter, defineRouterConfig } from 'react-router-manage';

const routerConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  routes: [{...}], // Please check the routes configuration below
  // autoDocumentTitle: true, // if true,the transform is automatically set document.title,
  // autoDocumentTitle: (routes) => return `网易云商-${routes.map((i) => i.title).join('-')}`, // custom configuration document.title

  // beforeEachMount: (to, next) => { // configure the global route entry guard. You can see the introduction of the global route guard below
  //   console.log(to)
  //   next();
  // }

function App () {
  return (
    <MRouter routeConfig={routeConfig}>
      {(children) => children}

A simple global configuration(hash mode)

import React from 'react';
import { MHRouter, defineRouterConfig } from 'react-router-manage';

const routerConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  routes: [{...}], // Please check the routes configuration below
  // autoDocumentTitle: true, // if true,the transform is automatically set document.title,
  // autoDocumentTitle: (routes) => return `网易云商-${routes.map((i) => i.title).join('-')}`, // custom configuration document.title

  // beforeEachMount: (to, next) => { // configure the global route entry guard. You can see the introduction of the global route guard below
  //   console.log(to)
  //   next();
  // }

function App () {
  return (
    <MHRouter routeConfig={routeConfig}>
      {(children) => children}


field name description type is required
name the name of the route, the name is globally unique and non-repeatable, and is used to obtain the route info string required
path the path of the route, the combined full path is globally unique and can not be repeated。 But if it is a nested sub route, it can not be configured, it is equivalent to setting the index attribute in the react-route Route component string required
title the Chinese name or other name of the route, the name of the display, used to automatically generate navigation and breadcrumbs string not required
index the first route boolean not required
component current route matching component, if it is not configured, it will jumps to the next level of privileged route React.Component | React.FunctionComponent not required
items the visual sub-level routes, used for navigation parent-child relationship, is actually the same level of route RouteTypeI[] not required
children sub-routing, rendering in react-router V6 in Outlet component RouteTypeI[] not required
props when rendering the route, the props content is automatically injected,, <Component {...props}/> Record<string, any> not required
code used for permission verification, will be compared permissionList string| string[]| (route: RouteTypeI) => boolean not required
redirect route redirect to the specified route with priority over component string not required
beforeEnter render the method called by the routing money. if a component is passed in the call next function, the component will be rendered. if next function not call, The component configured by the route will not be rendered `(to: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: (options?: {name?: string; path?: string} React.ComponentType) => void): void`
beforeLeave The callback called before leaving the route needs to be actively called (to: RouteTypeI | undefined,from: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: () => void): void not required
meta Some custom information can be put here,,you call use currentRoute.meta get meta info Record<string, any> not required
hidden display and hidden of navigation boolean not required, default is false
fullscreen You can hidden navigation ui, fullscreen set true,navigation is hidden, the current configuration is use in router-base-nav boolean not required
icon Icon for displaying navigation, the current configuration is use in router-base-nav string not required
type if type is null string, this route is not really rendered, but the correct currentRoute can be set, the current configuration is use in router-base-nav real | null not required, default is real
bredcrumbs used to configure breadcrumbs in routing, antd-breadcrumbs BreadcrumbsI not required


field name description type is required
isRoot Is it the root node of breadcrumbs? If it is, it will be calculated from the next level boolean false
text The name of breadcrumbs. If it is not configured, it will be used by defaultroute.title string | React.ReactNode | (route: RouteTypeI) => React.ReactNode not required
hidden Whether to hide the display of bread crumbs at this level boolean false


  • If a function is configured in code, since it will be called in batch during route initialization, please do not call asynchronously. If necessary, i recommended to use 'beforeEnter' to achieve the same effect
  • If component is not configured for the parent route, jump to the route to find the first route with permission under items and children. If it's not found, the page without permission will be displayed
  • If redirect and component are configured at the same time, the component will be ignored
  • If beforeEnter and beforeEachMount, next function called a component, the Component will be rendered, if StrictMode is used in react, the function may be called twice, which is normal

items and children

The react-router-manage,you can configuration children, items, to express the parent-child relationship of route context.

items routes at the same level, parent and child render one
 *  The article list page and the article details page are on different pages
 *  /user/article/list  The article list page
 *  /user/article/detail The article detail page
 * */
/user/article/list                     /user/article/detail
+------------------+                  +-----------------+
| +--------------+ |                  | +-------------+ |
| | ------------ | |  +------------>  | | content     | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| +--------------+ |                  | +-------------+ |
+------------------+                  +-----------------+

An example with basic router configuration

import React from 'react';
import { MRouter, defineRouterConfig } from 'react-router-manage';

const Users = () => {
  return <div>Users</div>
const Profile = () => {
  return <div>Profile</div>

const appRouterConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  // Configure level navigation
  routes: [
      name: 'user', // Each route corresponds to a globally unique name
      path: 'user', // The path will be automatically converted to '/user'. Since there is no component configured here, entering '/user' will be redirected to '/user/list'
      items: [ // Items is used to configure navigation with a level structure, such as breadcrumb navigation,
          name: 'userList',
          path: 'list', // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Users,
          name: 'profile',
          path: 'profile', // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Profile,

function App () {
  return (
    <MRouter routeConfig={routeConfig}>
      {(children) => children}
children nested Route

The UI of some applications consists of multiple nested components. In this case, the fragment of the URL usually corresponds to a specific nested component structure, for example:

 * The article list page and the article detail page are on the same page
 * /user/article/list  The article list page
 * /user/article/detail The article detail page
 * */
/user/article/list                     /user/article/detail
+------------------+                  +-----------------+
| user             |                  | user          |
| +--------------+ |                  | +-------------+ |
| |     list     | |  +------------>  | | content     | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| | ------------ | |                  | |             | |
| +--------------+ |                  | +-------------+ |
+------------------+                  +-----------------+

An example with nested route configuration

import React from 'react';
import Outlet from 'react-router';
import { MRouter, defineRouterConfig } from 'react-router-manage';

const Users = () => {
  return <div>
  <Outlet />
const Profile = () => {
  return <div>Profile</div>

const UserProfile = () => {
  return <div>UserProfile</div>
const UserArticles = () => {
  return <div>UserArticles</div>

const appRouterConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  // Configure level navigation
  routes: [
      name: 'user', // Each route corresponds to a globally unique name
      path: 'user', // The path will be automatically converted to '/user'. Since there is no component configured here, entering '/user' will be redirected to '/user/list'
      items: [ // Items is used to configure navigation with a level structure, such as breadcrumb navigation,
          name: 'userList',
          path: 'list', // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Users,
          children: [
              name: 'userProfile',
              path: 'profile',
              component: UserProfile,
              name: 'userArticle',
              title: 'user articles',
              component: UserArticles,
          name: 'profile',
          path: 'profile', // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Profile,

function App () {
  return (
    <MRouter routeConfig={routeConfig}>
      {(children) => children}

Permission routes

Permission permissionMode supports two modes parent and children. The default is parent

  • If permissionMode is parent, if the parent route does not have permission, then the child routes do not have permission
  • If permissionMode is children, if the child route has permission, the parent route will automatically change to have permission regardless of whether it has permission configured

Batch verification of configuration string code

  • You need to pass in the permissionList in the MRouter component, and set the hasAuth to true, which is true by default
  • You need to configure the code in the routing configuration. If it is not configured, you have permission by default

An example of authentication configuration

const permissionList = [`admin`, 'staff'] // Represents that the current user is admin
// const permissionList = ['staff'] // Represents that the current user is an employee

const appRouterConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  // Configure level navigation
  routes: [
      name: 'user', //Each route corresponds to a globally unique name
      path: 'user', // // The path will be automatically converted to '/user'. Since there is no component configured here, entering '/user' will be redirected to '/user/list'
      code: [`admin`, 'staff'],
      items: [ // Items is used to configure navigation with a level structure, such as breadcrumb navigation,
          name: 'userList',
          path: 'list', // // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Users,
          code: 'admin', // This route will be filtered if the current user is an employee
          // code: (currentRoute) => {
          //   // You can also perform custom verification here
          //   // Do not check here, because this is a batch check during reinitialization. If you want to check only after entering this route, please use `beforeeachmount`
          //   return getHasAuth(currentRoute);
          // }
          name: 'profile',
          path: 'profile', // // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Profile,
          code: [`admin`, 'staff'], // Have a common route personal Center

// `hasAuth` It can not be configured. The default value is `true`
function App () {
  return (
    <MRouter routeConfig={routeConfig} permissionList={permissionList} hasAuth={true} permissionMode="parent">
      {(children) => children}

Route authentication of beforeEachMount

Modify the above appRouterConfig

const NoAuth = () => {
  return <div>NoAuth</div>
const appRouterConfig = defineRouterConfig({
  basename: '/',
  // Configure level navigation
  routes: [
      name: 'user', //Each route corresponds to a globally unique name
      path: 'user', // // The path will be automatically converted to '/user'. Since there is no component configured here, entering '/user' will be redirected to '/user/list'
      items: [ // Items is used to configure navigation with a level structure, such as breadcrumb navigation,
          name: 'userList',
          path: 'list', // // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Users,
          name: 'profile',
          path: 'profile', // // The path is automatically converted to `/user/list`
          component: Profile,
  beforeEachMount: (to, next) => {
    if (to.name === 'userList') {
    } else {


Exported hooks

hook name type describe
useAddRoutes () => (routes: RouteTypeI[]) => void Dynamically add routes
useRemoveRoutes () => (routes: { routeName: string; routeData: Partial<RouteTypeI> }[]) => void Dynamically update routes
useUpdateRoutes () => (routeNames: string[]) => void Dynamically remove routes
useBeforeLeave (fn: BeforeLeaveI) => void The guard when the route leaves needs to call next to jump normally
useRouter () => RoutesStateStruct state of route storage
useHistory () => BrowserHistory get historyreact-router v6 There is no exposure. The user's V5 upgrade to V6 is too smooth. It is not recommended


Route navigation by useRouter

useRouter state data can be obtained in all components

useRouter() is return state:RoutesStateStruct

field name describe type
currentRoute Current route object RouteTypeI
routesMap All routes corresponding to route name and path are stored in this object Record<string, RouteTypeI>
navigate Used to jump route (to: string, {query: Record<string, any>; params: Record<string, any>; state: any}) => void}
authRoutes Routes objects with permission after authentication RouteTypeI[]
routes Incoming routes RouteTypeI[]
query Current address bar query parameters Record<string, string>
params Current address bar dynamic route query parameters Record<string, string>


useRouter called return navigate is base on react-router export useNavigate,some interception processing has been done for route jump,so Do't use navigate in import react router

navigate has two parameters. The first parameter is the path to jump, and the second parameter is the route configuration to jump. The type is as follows: (to: string, {query: Record<string, any>; params: Record<string, any>; state: any}) => void}

  • query, The query parameters will be automatically added to the address when jumping the route, for example: navigate('/user/detail', { query: {id: 13}}), It will turn into /user/detail?id=13
  • params, When a dynamic route with parameters is configured, it will be automatically replaced. For example: navigate('/user/detail/:id', { params: {id: 13}}), It will turn into /user/detail/13
  • state, 这个是history原始的state


currentRoute the route information passed in when the configuration is included will be automatically added internally parent, parent is used to identify the parent route, for example: parentRoute = currentRoute.parent

import { useRouter } from 'react-router-manage'

function Item() {
  const { currentRoute, routesMap } = useRouter();

  const onClick = () => {
    navigate(routesMap.LIST.path); // navigate接收一个字符串
  return (
    <div><Button onClick={onClick}>跳转到LIST</Button></div>


useBeforeLeave You need to call next to jump normally

import { useBeforeLeave, useRouter } from 'react-router-manage';
import { Modal } from 'ppfish';

const function Item() {
  const {navigate, routesMap} = useRouter();
  useBeforeLeave((to, from, next) => {
      title: 'Are you sure you want to jump ?',
      onOk: () => {
  const onClick = () => {
  return (<div>
    <Button onClick={onClick}>jump</Button>

Dynamic routes


useAddRoutes Add routes

const AddRoutesWrapComponent = ({children}) => {
    const addRoutes = useAddRoutes();

    useEffect(() => {
            parentName: 'PAGE1', // 'parentName' needs to be passed in, otherwise it will be inserted under the first level
            title: 'Dynamically added pages',
            name: 'add',
            path: 'add',
            component: Page,
            code: 'staff',
    }, [])
    return <div data-testid='__router-children'>


useUpdateRoutes update routes

const UpdateRoutesWrapComponent = ({children}) => {
    const updateRoutes = useUpdateRoutes();

    useEffect(() => {
            routeName: 'PAGE1',
            routeData: {
                title: 'Modified page' // Modified title
    }, [updateRoutes])
    return <div data-testid='__router-children'>


useRemoveRoutes delete routes

const RemoveRoutesWrapComponent = ({children}) => {
    const removeRoutes = useRemoveRoutes();

    useEffect(() => {
        removeRoutes(['PAGE1']) // 传入要删除的 route的name字段
    }, [])
    return <div data-testid='__router-children'>

Route guard

Global route guard

name describe type
beforeEachMount Called before each route rendering, next Must be called to render the component `(to: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: {name?: string; path?: string}


import NoAuth from './NoAuth', // No permission component

const appRouterConfig = {
    basename: '/',
    routes: [
            name: 'root',
            path: '/',
            items: [
                    name: 'page1',
                    path: 'page1',
                    components: Page,
                    custom: 'aaa',
                    name: 'page2',
                    path: 'page2',
                    components: Page2,
                    custom: 'bbb',
    beforeEachMount(to, next) {
        if (to.custom === 'aaa) {
            next(); // if call, The component corresponding to the route will be rendered normally
        } else {
            next(NoAuth) // render components without permission

part route guard

name describe type
beforeEnter Called before rendering the current route (after beforeEachMount), next must be called before rendering the component `(to: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: {name?: string; path?: string}
beforeLeave The callback called before leaving the route needs to actively call 'next' to jump normally `(to: RouteTypeI | undefined,from: RouteTypeI | undefined, next: {name?: string; path?: string}
import NoAuth from './NoAuth', // No permission component

const appRouterConfig = {
    basename: '/',
    routes: [
            name: 'root',
            title: '根路径',
            path: '/',
            items: [
                    name: 'page1',
                    path: 'page1',
                    components: Page,
                    custom: 'aaa',
                    beforeEnter: (to, next) => {
                        next(); // 需要跳转则调用
                    beforeLeave: (to, next) => {
                        next(); // 需要跳转则调用
                    name: 'page2',
                    path: 'page2',
                    components: Page2,
                     custom: 'bbb',
    beforeEachMount(to, next) {
        if (to.custom === 'aaa) {
            next(); // 调用,则会正常渲染该路由对应的组件
        } else {
            next(NoAuth) // 则渲染无权限组件


  • Keepalive support
  • Improvement of sample code
  • Route switching transition animation


react-router-manage is used in many projects within Netease BizEase. In order to give back to the community, it has decided to open source, and is willing to build a useful react router management library with friends in the community