Organize your downloaded bangumi series files, also works for tv-shows.
It's recommended to use homebrew
brew tap NSFish/homebrew-tap
brew install bangumi-renamer
Or you can download the executable file at the release page.
First, get bangumi series list from places like Wikipedia and save it as source.txt, or any other name you prefer.
Then create pattern.txt and specify the series number in filename using regex, for example
[NAOKI-Raws&倉吉観光協会] 名探偵コナン/Part.11-Vol.1 Ep.287 「工藤新一NYの事件(推理編)」 (DVDRip x264 AC3 Chap)
Finally, go
bangumi-renamer -s /Path/to/source.txt -d /Path/to/bangumiDirectory -p /Path/to/pattern.txt
bangumi-renamer will do the trick to rename all media files according to the source.txt you provide.