- 0
Add smoke tests to the test suite
#85 opened by mrakitin - 2
- 3
- 2
- 4
What is FD?
#51 opened by ambarb - 0
Convert prints to warnings
#66 opened by danielballan - 0
questions about results file created by pyCHX
#63 opened by ambarb - 2
- 2
speckle visibility - consolidate code
#52 opened by ambarb - 1
- 2
[v2][_commonspeckle] two time correlation function for image input data is broken
#35 opened by ambarb - 0
Why is there a get_max_countc?
#62 opened by ambarb - 0
- 0
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 1
- 0
Historical TODOs for V3 if not addressed in V2
#56 opened by ambarb - 1
test and delete tqdm patch
#50 opened by ambarb - 2
- 1
Move olog report functions to databroker or bluesky or someother NSLS-ii repo for all?
#49 opened by ambarb - 5
xsvsp_single() function of does not work when the `norm != None`
#47 opened by tankonst - 1
[v2] replacement for ModestImage dependancy
#43 opened by ambarb - 2
[v2][_commonspeckle] what is the difference between chx_correlationp and chx_correlationp2
#39 opened by ambarb - 3
[v2][_commonspeckle] for is there anything we can learn from this or should we delete
#40 opened by ambarb - 6
separate package imports from scripts?
#13 opened by jrmlhermitte - 1
[v2][_commonspeckle][Two_Time_Correlation_Function] has 2 functions that calculate 1time from 2time.
#37 opened by ambarb - 1
[V1] likely broken import of XPCS_XSVS_SAXS_Multi_2017_V4 - obsolete? can delete?
#45 opened by ambarb - 2
- 0
- 1
- 0
- 0
[v2][_commonspeckle] what about functions for SMI?
#42 opened by ambarb - 1
- 2
Add "tables" dependency from PyPI
#29 opened by mrakitin - 2 SyntaxError
#27 opened by mrakitin - 0
Add ModestImage to requirements.txt
#6 opened by mrakitin - 1
Rename chxanalys -> pyCHX everywhere
#5 opened by mrakitin