
Sirepo healthcheck utils for monitoring availability of Sirepo servers

Primary LanguagePython

Sirepo Health Check

This is Sirepo health check utility. It checks the availability of the light page of the specified servers (currently 2 local NSLS-II servers and RadiaSoft's alpha/beta servers. It creates a .json status file (stored in /tmp, via a crontab job, see the crontab file for details). On the first start the utility checks the current statuses of the machines and sends a notification to the specified addresses like:

On 9/6/2017 17:15, Sirepo Health Check wrote:
Monitoring started for:
- https://expdev.nsls2.bnl.gov/light (up)
- http://nsls2expdev1.bnl.gov:8000/light (up)
- https://alpha.sirepo.com/light (up)
- https://beta.sirepo.com/light (up)

If any status changes, it sends the corresponding notification like:

http://nsls2expdev1.bnl.gov:8000/light: status changed: up -> down (2017-09-06 17:30:02)

When the server is back, it sends the confirmation:

http://nsls2expdev1.bnl.gov:8000/light: status changed: down -> up (2017-09-06 17:35:02)

The crontab job runs every 5 minutes on weekdays from 8 am to 7:55 pm. If the machine is not restored, a reminder email will be sent in 2 hours after the last notification.


Run it in one line:

$ docker run -it --rm -e SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL -e SLACK_BOT_TOKEN -e SLACK_POSTING_CHANNEL nsls2/debian-with-miniconda:v0.1.2 bash -c "conda create -n sirepo-monitoring python=3.9 ipython phantomjs -c conda-forge -y && . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/conda.sh && conda activate sirepo-monitoring && git clone https://github.com/NSLS-II/sirepo-healthcheck && cd sirepo-healthcheck/ && pip install -r requirements.txt && pip install -r requirements-dev.txt &&  python -VV && python health_check.py"