Best practices of selecting elements
Create a package.json
dependencies file
npm init -y
Install Cypress package
npm install cypress --save-dev
Launch the Cypress desktop app/launchpad
npx cypress open
Install Linux dependencies
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-0 libgtk-3-0 libgbm-dev libnotify-dev libgconf-2-4 libnss3 libxss1 libasound2 libxtst6 xauth xvfb
Create a jsconfig.json file on the root
"include": [
- First, remove the incorrect remote URL by using the following command:
git remote remove origin
- Add the correct remote URL:
git remote add origin <REMOTE URL>
- Verify that the correct remote URL has been added by running the following command:
git remote -v
- Finally, you can proceed with pushing your work using the corrected remote URL:
git push -u origin main
- Run the following command on the terminal
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C ""
Replace "" with the email associated with your GitHub account
Press Enter to accept the default file location and passphrase (you can set a passphrase if you prefer, but it's not required)
- Add the SSH key to your GitHub account. Run the following command to copy the public key to your clipboard:
cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip -selection clipboard
Visit the "SSH and GPG keys" settings page in your GitHub account. You can find it at SSH and GPG keys Link. Click on "New SSH key" or "Add SSH key" and paste the key from your clipboard into the provided field. Give it a descriptive title if desired, and click "Add SSH key" to save it
Update the remote URL in your Git repository to use the SSH URL instead of the HTTPS URL. Run the following command:
git remote set-url <SSH URL>
- You should now be able to push your work using the SSH authentication. Try running the following command:
git push -u origin main
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
baseUrl: '',
By setting up the above configuration, Cypress will automatically prepend this base URL to all the relative URLs you use with the cy.visit() command
This way one doesn't need to specify the complete/full URL on every spec file
npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/
By doing the above the videos
and screenshots
folders will be added to the project
The video folder contains a record of the successful test run on the specific file
If any tests were to fail they would be included in the screenshots folder
To run the above test on a browser one would use the following command
npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/ --BROWSER FLAG-- --BROWSER NAME--
npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/ --browser firefox
describe('API Testing', () => {
// write the baseURL in only this file to avoid overriding other files when using baseUrl in the config file
Cypress.config('baseUrl', '')
it('GET-fetch/read data', () => {
// command to make HTTP requests, it's default method is GET
cy.request('GET', '/employees').then((response) => {
// assert that the response has a property of status with the success value of 200
expect(response)'status', 200)
// assert that response.body has content
// assert that is an array with 24 elements
it('POST-create a new item in the DB', () => {
const item = {
"name": "test",
"salary": "123",
"age": "23",
cy.request({method:'POST', url:'/create', body:item, failOnStatusCode: false})
it('PUT-updating the first record in the DB is unauthorized', () => {
const updateInfo = {'name':'testing1'}
cy.request({method:'PUT', url:'/update/1', body:updateInfo, failOnStatusCode: false}).its('status').should('eq', 429)