
NSO concurrency model performance

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Designing for Maximal Transaction Throughput

Run in Cisco Cloud IDE

Learn more about the NSO concurrency model and how to optimize for transaction throughput. I.e., transaction wall-clock time performance.

Click here to practice this lab on the NSO Playground.

An overview presentation of the NSO features used by this lab.


After completing this lab, you will learn how to:

  • Design for concurrency
  • Measure transaction performance
  • Write the configuration from the service create callback using a single API function call
  • Run NSO transactions concurrently
  • Use commit queues
  • Implement a resource-facing nano service to divide a single transaction into one transaction per service instance and CPU core
  • Use LSA to scale transaction performance beyond a single multi-core processor

The NSO Transaction Manager

NSO has two main layers: the Device Manager and the Service Manager. They serve different purposes but are tightly integrated with the transactional engine and database.

Since version 6.0, the NSO transaction manager has used optimistic concurrency, significantly improving transaction parallelism. With this approach, NSO avoids the need for serialization and a global lock to run user code, which would otherwise limit the number of requests the system can process in a given time unit.

Transaction manager

There are four areas where the NSO user can significantly affect the transaction throughput performance:

  • Run multiple transactions concurrently. For example, multiple concurrent RESTCONF or NETCONF edits, CLI commits, MAAPI apply(), nano service re-deploy, etc.
  • Design to avoid conflicts and minimize the service create() and validation implementation. For example, in service templates and code mapping to devices or other service instances, YANG must statements with XPath expressions or validation code, write the configuration in as few API calls as possible.
  • Using commit queues to exclude the time to push configuration changes to devices from inside the transaction lock.
  • Simplify using nano and stacked services. If the processor where NSO with a stacked service runs becomes a severe bottleneck, the added complexity of migrating the stacked service to an LSA setup can be motivated. LSA helps expose only a single service instance when scaling up the number of devices by increasing the number of available CPU cores beyond a single processor.

Transaction manager performance

Measuring Transaction Throughput

Measuring transaction performance includes measuring the total wall-clock time for the service deployment transaction(s) and using the detailed NSO progress trace of the transactions to find bottlenecks. The developer log helps debug the NSO internals, and the XPath trace log helps find misbehaving XPath expressions used in, for example, YANG must statements. The picture below shows a visualization of the NSO progress trace when running a single transaction for two service instances configuring a device each:

Progress trace one transaction

The total RESTCONF edit took ~5 seconds, and the service mapping (“creating service” event) and validation (“run validation ...” event) were done sequentially for the service instances and took 2 seconds each. The configuration push to the devices was done concurrently in 1 second.

See the showcase.sh and measure.py scripts plus the ncs.conf files in the examples on how to enable and disable the progress trace, and the simple progress trace viewer Python script under the common folder.

For progress trace documentation, see the NSO Development Guide.

Running the perf-trans Example Using a Single Transaction

The perf-trans example from the NSO example set explores the opportunities to improve the wallclock time performance and utilization, as well as opportunities to avoid common pitfalls.

The example uses simulated CPU loads for service creation and validation work. Device work is simulated with sleep() as it will not run on the same processor in a production system.

The example shows how NSO can benefit from running many transactions concurrently if the service and validation code allow concurrency. It uses the NSO progress trace feature to get detailed timing information for the transactions in the system.

The provided code sets up an NSO instance that exports tracing data to a .csv file, provisions one or more service instances, which each map to a device, and shows different (average) transaction times and a graph to visualize the sequences plus concurrency.

Play with the perf-trans example by tweaking the measure.py script parameters:

    -nt NTRANS, --ntrans NTRANS
        The number of transactions updating the same service in parallel. For this
        example, we use NTRANS parallel RESTCONF plain patch.
        Default: 1.

    -nw NWORK, --nwork NWORK
        Work per transaction in the service creation and validation phases. One
        second of CPU time per work item.
        Default: 3 seconds of CPU time.

    -nd 0..10, --ndtrans 0..10
        Number of devices the service will configure per service transaction.
        Default: 1

    -dd DDELAY, --ddelay DDELAY
        Transaction delay (simulated by sleeping) on the netsim devices (seconds).
        Default: 0s

    -cq {async,sync,bypass,none}, --cqparam {async,sync,bypass,none}
        Commit queue behavior. Select "none" to use the global or device setting.
        Default: none

See the README in the perf-trans example for details.

To run the perf-trans example from the NSO example set and recreate the variant shown in the progress trace above:

cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/development-guide/concurrency-model/perf-trans
make NDEVS=2 python
python3 measure.py --ntrans 1 --nwork 2 --ndtrans 2 --cqparam bypass --ddelay 1
python3 ../common/simple_progress_trace_viewer.py $(ls logs/*.csv)

The following is a sequence diagram and the progress trace of the example, describing the transaction t1. The transaction deploys service configuration to the devices using a single RESTCONF patch request to NSO and then NSO configures the netsim devices using NETCONF:

    RESTCONF   service   validate   push config
    patch      create    config     ndtrans=2        netsim
    ntrans=1   nwork=2   nwork=2    cqparam=bypass   device    ddelay=1
      t0 ------> 2s -----> 2s -----------------------> ex0 -----> 1s
                                        \------------> ex1 -----> 1s
      wall-clock 2s        2s                                     1s = 5s

The only part running concurrently in the example above was configuring the devices. It is the most straightforward option if transaction throughput performance is not a concern or the service creation and validation work are insignificant. A single transaction service deployment will not need to use commit queues as it is the only transaction holding the transaction lock configuring the devices inside the critical section. See the “holding transaction lock” event in the progress trace above.

Stop NSO and the netsim devices:

make stop

Concurrent Transactions

Everything from smartphones and tablets to laptops, desktops, and servers now contain multi-core processors. For maximal throughput, the powerful multi-core systems need to be fully utilized. This way, the wall clock time is minimized when deploying service configuration changes to the network, which is usually equated with performance. Therefore, enabling NSO to spread as much work as possible across all available cores becomes important. The goal is to have service deployments maximize their utilization of the total available CPU time to deploy services faster to the users who ordered them.

Close to full utilization of every CPU core when running under maximal load, for example, ten transactions to ten devices, is ideal, as some process viewer tools such as htop visualize with meters:


One transaction per RFS instance and device will allow each NSO transaction to run on a separate core concurrently. Multiple concurrent RESTCONF or NETCONF edits, CLI commits, MAAPI apply(), nano service re-deploy, etc. Keep the number of running concurrent transactions equal to or below the number of cores available in the multi-core processor to avoid performance degradation due to increased contention on system internals and resources. NSO helps by limiting the number of transactions applying changes in parallel to, by default, the number of logical processors (e.g., CPU cores). See the ncs.conf(5) man page under /ncs-config/transaction-limits/max-transactions for details.

Concurrent transactions

Designing to Minimize Conflicts

Conflicts between transactions and how to avoid them are described in the NSO Development Guide chapter NSO Concurrency Model. While NSO can handle transaction conflicts gracefully with retries, retries affect transaction throughput performance. A simple but effective design pattern to avoid conflicts is to update one device with one Resource Facing Service (RFS) instance where service instances do not read each other's configuration changes.

Service to device instances

An overly complex service or validation implementation using templates, code, and XPath expressions increases the processing required and, even if transactions are processed concurrently, will affect the wall-clock time spent processing and, thus, transaction throughput.

When data processing performance is of interest, the best practice rule of thumb is to ensure that must and when statement XPath expressions in YANG models and service templates are only used as necessary and kept as simple as possible.

If a service creates a significant amount of configuration data for devices, it is often significantly faster using a single MAAPI shared_set_values() call instead of using multiple create() and set() calls or a service template.

Running the perf-setvals Example Using a Single Call to MAAPI shared_set_values()

The perf-setvals example writes configuration to an access control list and a route list of a Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA) device. It uses either MAAPI Python create() and set() calls, Python shared_set_values(), or Java sharedSetValues() to write the configuration in XML format.

To run the perf-setvals example using MAAPI Python create() and set() calls to create 3000 rules and 3000 routes on one device:

cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/development-guide/concurrency-model/perf-setvals
./measure.sh -r 3000 -t py_create -n true

The commit uses the no-networking parameter to skip pushing the configuration to the simulated and un-proportionally slow Cisco ASA netsim device. The resulting NSO progress trace:

Service create progress trace

Next, run the perf-setvals example using a single MAAPI Python shared_set_values() call to create 3000 rules and 3000 routes on one device:

./measure.sh -r 3000 -t py_setvals_xml -n true

The resulting NSO progress trace:

Service set_values progress trace

Using the MAAPI shared_set_values() function, the service create callback is, for this example, ~5x faster than using the MAAPI create() and set() functions. The total wall-clock time for the transaction is more than 2x faster, and the difference will increase for larger transactions.

Stop NSO and the netsim devices:

make stop

Use a Data-Kicker Instead of a CDB Subscriber

A kicker triggering on a CDB change, a data-kicker, should be used instead of a CDB subscriber when the action taken does not have to run inside the transaction lock, i.e., the critical section of the transaction. A CDB subscriber will be invoked inside the critical section and, thus, will have negative impact on the transaction throughput. See the NSO Development Guide Improving Subscribers for more details.

Shorten the Time Used for Writing Configuration to Devices

Writing to devices and other network elements that are slow to configure will stall transaction throughput if you do not enable commit queues, as transactions waiting for the transaction lock to be released cannot start configuring devices before the transaction ahead of them is done writing. For example, if one device is configured using CLI transported with IP over Avian Carriers, the transactions, including such a device, will significantly stall transactions behind it going to devices supporting RESTCONF or NETCONF over a fast optical transport. Where transaction throughput performance is a concern, choosing devices that can be configured efficiently to implement their part of the service configuration is wise.

Running the perf-trans Example Using One Transaction per Device

Dividing the service creation and validation work into two separate transactions, one per device, allows the work to be spread across two CPU cores in a multi-core processor. To run the perf-trans example with the work divided into one transaction per device:

cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/development-guide/concurrency-model/perf-trans
make stop clean NDEVS=2 python
python3 measure.py --ntrans 2 --nwork 1 --ndtrans 1 --cqparam bypass --ddelay 1
python3 ../common/simple_progress_trace_viewer.py $(ls logs/*.csv)

The resulting NSO progress trace:

Concurrent progress trace

A sequence diagram with transactions t1 and t2 deploying service configuration to two devices using RESTCONF patch requests to NSO with NSO configuring the netsim devices using NETCONF:

    RESTCONF   service   validate   push config
    patch      create    config     ndtrans=1       netsim            netsim
    ntrans=2   nwork=1   nwork=1    cqparam=bypass  device  ddelay=1  device  ddelay=1
      t1 ------> 1s -----> 1s ---------------------> ex0 ---> 1s
      t2 ------> 1s -----> 1s ---------------------------------------> ex1 ---> 1s
      wall-clock 1s        1s                                 1s                1s = 4s

Note how the service creation and validation work now is divided into 1s per transaction and runs concurrently on one CPU core each. However, the two transactions cannot push the configuration concurrently to a device each as the config push is done inside the critical section, making one of the transactions wait for the other to release the transaction lock. See the two holding the transaction lock events in the above progress trace visualization.

To enable transactions to push configuration to devices concurrently, we must enable commit queues.

Using Commit Queues

The concept of a network-wide transaction requires NSO to wait for the managed devices to process the configuration change before exiting the critical section, i.e., before NSO can release the transaction lock. In the meantime, other transactions have to wait their turn to write to CDB and the devices. The commit queue feature avoids waiting for configuration to be written to the device and increases the throughput. For most use cases, commit queues improve transaction throughput significantly.

Writing to a commit queue instead of the device moves the device configuration push outside of the critical region, and the transaction lock can instead be released when the change has been written to the commit queue.

Using commit queues

For commit queue documentation, see the NSO User Guide chapter Commit Queue.

Enabling Commit Queues for the perf-trans Example

Enabling commit queues allows the two transactions to spread the create, validation, and configuration push to devices work across CPU cores in a multi-core processor. Only the CDB write and commit queue write now remain inside the critical section, and the transaction lock is released as soon as the device configuration changes have been written to the commit queues instead of waiting for the config push to the devices to complete. To run the perf-trans example with the work divided into one transaction per device and commit queues enabled:

make stop clean NDEVS=2 python
python3 measure.py --ntrans 2 --nwork 1 --ndtrans 1 --cqparam sync --ddelay 1
python3 ../common/simple_progress_trace_viewer.py $(ls logs/*.csv)

The resulting NSO progress trace:

Commit queue progress trace

A sequence diagram with transactions t1 and t2 deploying service configuration to two devices using RESTCONF patch requests to NSO with NSO configuring the netsim devices using NETCONF:

    RESTCONF   service   validate   push config
    patch      create    config     ndtrans=1        netsim
    ntrans=2   nwork=1   nwork=1    cqparam=sync     device    ddelay=1
      t1 ------> 1s -----> 1s --------------[----]---> ex0 -----> 1s
      t2 ------> 1s -----> 1s --------------[----]---> ex1 -----> 1s
      wall-clock 1s        1s                                     1s = 3s

Note how the the two transactions now push the configuration concurrently to a device each as the config push is done outside of the critical section. See the two push configuration events in the above progress trace visualization.

Stop NSO and the netsim devices:

make stop

Running the perf-setvals example with two devices and commit queues enabled will produce a similar result.

Simplify the Per-Device Concurrent Transaction Creation Using a Nano Service

The perf-trans example service uses one transaction per service instance where each service instance configures one device. This enables transactions to run concurrently on separate CPU cores in a multi-core processor. The example sends RESTCONF patch requests concurrently to start transactions that run concurrently with the NSO transaction manager. However, dividing the work into multiple processes may not be practical for some applications using the NSO northbound interfaces, e.g., CLI or RESTCONF. Also, it makes a future migration to LSA more complex.

To simplify the NSO manager application, a resource-facing nano service (RFS) can start a process per service instance. The NSO manager application or user can then use a single transaction, e.g., CLI or RESTCONF, to configure multiple service instances where the NSO nano service divides the service instances into transactions running concurrently in separate processes.

Nano service RFS

The nano service can be straightforward, for example, using a single t3:configured state to invoke a service template or a create() callback. If validation code is required, it can run in a nano service post-action, t3:validated state, instead of a validation point callback to keep the validation code in the process created by the nano service.

Nano service RFS plan

See the NSO Development Guide chapter Nano Services for Staged Provisioning and the Getting Started Guide chapter Developing and Deploying a Nano Service for nano service documentation.

Simplify Using a CFS

A Customer Facing Service (CFS) that is stacked with the RFS and maps to one RFS instance per device can simplify the service that is exposed to the NSO northbound interfaces so that a single NSO northbound interface transaction spawns multiple transactions, for example, one transaction per RFS instance when using the converge-on-re-deploy YANG extension with the nano service behavior tree.

CFS design

Running the CFS and Nano Service Enabled perf-stack Example

The perf-stack example showcases how a CFS on top of a simple resource-facing nano service can be implemented with the perf-trans example by modifying the existing t3 RFS and adding a CFS. Instead of multiple RESTCONF transactions, the example uses a single CLI CFS service commit that updates the desired number of service instances. The commit configures multiple service instances in a single transaction where the nano service runs each service instance in a separate process to allow multiple cores to be used concurrently.

CFS nano RFS sequence diagram

Run as below to start two transactions with a 1-second CPU time workload per transaction in both the service and validation callbacks, each transaction pushing the device configuration to one device, each using a synchronous commit queue, where each device simulates taking 1 second to make the configuration changes to the device:

cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/development-guide/concurrency-model/perf-stack
./showcase.sh -d 2 -t 2 -w 1 -r 1 -q 'True' -y 1

Stacked service progress trace

The above progress trace visualization is truncated to fit, but notice how the t3:validated state action callbacks, t3:configured state service creation callbacks, and configuration push from the commit queues are running concurrently (on separate CPU cores) when initiating the service deployment with a single transaction started by the CLI commit.

A sequence diagram describing the transaction t1 deploying service configuration to the devices using the NSO CLI:

            CFS             validate  service  push config        change
    CLI     create    Nano  config    create   ndtrans=1   netsim subscriber
    commit  trans=2   RFS   nwork=1   nwork=1  cq=True     device ddelay=1
                      t1 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex0 ---> 1s
      t -----> t --->
                      t2 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex1 ---> 1s
                  wall-clock 1s        1s                            1s=3s

The two transactions run concurrently, deploying the service in ~3 seconds (plus some overhead) of wall-clock time. Like the perf-trans example, you can play around with the perf-stack example by tweaking the parameters.

    -d  NDEVS
        The number of netsim (ConfD) devices (network elements) started.
        Default 4

    -t  NTRANS
        The number of transactions updating the same service in parallel.
        Default: $NDEVS

    -w  NWORK
        Work per transaction in the service creation and validation phases. One
        second of CPU time per work item.
        Default: 3 seconds of CPU time.

    -r  NDTRANS
        Number of devices the service will configure per service transaction.
        Default: 1

    -c  USECQ
        Use device commit queues.
        Default: True

    -y  DEV_DELAY
        Transaction delay (simulated by sleeping) on the netsim devices (seconds).
        Default: 1 second

See the README in the perf-stack example for details. For even more details, see the steps in the showcase script.

Stop NSO and the netsim devices:

make stop

Migrating to and Scale Up Using an LSA Setup

If the processor where NSO runs becomes a severe bottleneck, the CFS can migrate to a layered service architecture (LSA) setup. The perf-stack example implements stacked services, a CFS abstracting the RFS. It allows for easy migration to an LSA setup to scale with the number of devices or network elements participating in the service deployment. While adding complexity, LSA allows exposing a single CFS instance for all processors instead of one per processor.

Note: Before considering taking on the complexity of a multi-NSO node LSA setup, make sure you have done the following:

  • Explored all possible avenues of design and optimization improvements described so far in this section.
  • Measured the transaction performance to find bottlenecks.
  • Optimized any bottlenecks to reduce their overhead as much as possible.
  • Observe that the available processor cores are all fully utilized.
  • Explored running NSO on a more powerful processor with more CPU cores and faster clock speed.
  • If there are more devices and RFS instances created at one point than available CPU cores, verify that increasing the number of CPU cores will result in a significant improvement. I.e., if the CPU processing spent on service creation and validation is substantial, the bottleneck, compared to writing the configuration to CDB and the commit queues and pushing the configuration to the devices.

Migrating to an LSA setup should only be considered after checking all boxes for the above items.

LSA design

Running the LSA-enabled perf-lsa Example

The perf-lsa example builds on the perf-stack example and showcases an LSA setup using two RFS NSO instances, lower-nso-1 and lower-nso-2, with a CFS NSO instance, upper-nso.

LSA transaction sequence diagram

You can imagine adding more RFS NSO instances, lower-nso-3, lower-nso-4, etc., to the existing two as the number of devices increases. One NSO; instance per multi-core processor and at least one CPU core per device (network element) is likely the most performant setup for this simulated work example. See the Layered Services Architecture Guide for more.

As an example, a variant that starts four RFS transactions with a 1-second CPU time workload per transaction in both the service and validation callbacks, each RFS transaction pushing the device configuration to 1 device using synchronous commit queues, where each device simulates taking 1 second to make the configuration changes to the device:

cd $NCS_DIR/examples.ncs/development-guide/concurrency-model/perf-lsa
./showcase.sh -d 2 -t 2 -w 1 -r 1 -q 'True' -y 1

The three NSO progress trace visualizations show NSO on the CFS and the two RFS nodes. Notice how the CLI commit starts a transaction on the CFS node and configures four service instances with two transactions on each RFS node to push the resulting configuration to four devices.

NSO CFS node

CFS progress trace

NSO RFS node 1 (truncated to fit)

RFS 1 progress trace

NSO RFS node 2 (truncated to fit)

RFS 2 progress trace

A sequence diagram describing the transactions on RFS 1 t1 t2 and RFS 2 t1 t2. The transactions deploy service configuration to the devices using the NSO CLI:

           CFS             validate  service  push config        change
    CLI    create    Nano  config    create   ndtrans=1   netsim subscriber
    commit ntrans=2  RFS 1 nwork=1   nwork=1  cq=True     device ddelay=1
      t -----> t ---> t1 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex0 ---> 1s
                \     t2 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex1 ---> 1s
                 \   RFS 2
                  --> t1 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex2 ---> 1s
                      t2 --> 1s -----> 1s -------[----]---> ex3 ---> 1s
                  wall-clock 1s        1s                            1s=3s

The four transactions run concurrently, two per RFS node, performing the work and configuring the four devices in ~3 seconds (plus some overhead) of wall-clock time.

You can play with the perf-lsa example by tweaking the parameters.

-d LDEVS Number of netsim (ConfD) devices (network elements) started per RFS NSO instance. Default 2 (4 total)

-t NTRANS Number of transactions updating the same service in parallel per RFS NSO instance. Here, one per device. Default: $LDEVS ($LDEVS * 2 total)

-w NWORK Work per transaction in the service creation and validation phases. One second of CPU time per work item. Default: 3 seconds of CPU time.

-r NDTRANS Number of devices the service will configure per service transaction. Default: 1

-q USECQ Use device commit queues. Default: True

-y DEV_DELAY Transaction delay (simulated by sleeping) on the netsim devices (seconds). Default: 1 second

See the README in the perf-lsa example for details. For even more details, see the steps in the showcase script.

Stop NSO and the netsim devices:

make stop