This NSO package contain a simple webui that demonstrates how the JSON-RPC API can be utilized.
- Show the running NSO Version.
- Show a similar menu as the Cisco Short Cut Menu.
- Show a similar logout menu as Cisco webui one.
All the similarity to the Cisco Webui is copied and separated from the Cisco Webui, and not in any way linked.
- webui/webui.json Required for the package to be recognised by the new NSO webui and a link to the package webui will be visible on the ApplicationHUB.
- webui/index.html Required entrypoint for the package webui, where the user will end up when clicking on the link in the ApplicationHUB.
- webui/script.js Simple Javascript to peform a request to the NSO JSON-RPC.
- webui/style.css CSS Styles.
- NSO version 4.5+
- A modern version of Chrome or Firefox
Put the package contents in the NSO /packages/webui-one-basic-example
Reload packages using cli or webui.
- CLI: start ncs_cli
- run request packages reload
- WEBUI: In your browser go to http://NSO-HOST/webui-one/ConfigurationEditor
- Click "Reload" on packages
The example-webui should now be accessible from the ApplicationHUB, nso-host/webui-one/ or directly at nso-host/custom/webui-one-basic-example
Use a modern web browser like the latest version of Chrome, FireFox, Edge, or Safari.