Terraform Route53 Hosted Zone Module

This Terraform module creates and manages an AWS Route53 hosted zone, along with DNS records. It supports both public and private hosted zones, and allows the creation of various DNS records.


  • Create Hosted Zone: Optionally create a new Route53 hosted zone (public or private).
  • NS and SOA Records: Automatically create NS and SOA records for the hosted zone.
  • User-Defined Records: Dynamically create custom DNS records based on user input.


module "route53" {
  source = "./path-to-module"

  create_hosted_zone = true
  zone_name          = "example.com"
  is_private_zone    = false
  vpc_id             = "vpc-123456"
  ns_record_ttl      = 300
  soa_record_ttl     = 7200
  enable_records     = true
  records = [
      name    = "www.example.com"
      type    = "A"
      ttl     = 300
      records = [""]
      name    = "mail.example.com"
      type    = "MX"
      ttl     = 3600
      records = ["10 mailserver.example.com"]


Name Description Type Default Required
create_hosted_zone Whether to create a new Route53 hosted zone bool false no
zone_name The name of the domain. Required if create_hosted_zone is true string "" no
is_private_zone Whether the hosted zone is private bool false no
vpc_id The VPC ID for private hosted zones. Required if is_private_zone is true string "" no
ns_record_ttl The TTL for the NS record. Only used for public zones number 300 no
soa_record_ttl The TTL for the SOA record. Only used for public zones number 7200 no
enable_records Whether to create custom DNS records bool false no
records A list of DNS records to create. Each record should include name, type, ttl, and records fields list(object) [] no
existing_zone_id The ID of an existing Route53 hosted zone to use. Required if create_hosted_zone is false string "" no


Creating a Public Hosted Zone with Records

module "route53" {
  source = "./path-to-module"

  create_hosted_zone = true
  zone_name          = "example.com"
  is_private_zone    = false
  ns_record_ttl      = 300
  soa_record_ttl     = 7200
  enable_records     = true
  records = [
      name    = "www.example.com"
      type    = "A"
      ttl     = 300
      records = [""]

Using an Existing Hosted Zone

module "route53" {
  source = "./path-to-module"

  create_hosted_zone = false
  existing_zone_id   = "Z1234567890"
  enable_records     = true
  records = [
      name    = "www.example.com"
      type    = "A"
      ttl     = 300
      records = [""]