
Our Father who art in heaven, save me from infinite recursion

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A wise man once said "never say never", but the fool didn't understand and went on his way. Later, the fool discovered his enormous masochism by tripping over the stone he always said he would never trip over. And that's how I ended up becoming a NixOS user.


The name of my dotfiles comes from the Minecraft Tundra biome.

For the time being, I continue to configure my software in the traditional way. Those configurations reside in the etc directory, and my NixOS configuration resides in the nixos directory. The share directory is self-explanatory.



Clone the repository and cd into it:

git clone https://github.com/NTBBloodbath/tundra.git && cd tundra

First, create a hardware configuration for your system:

sudo nixos-generate-config

After you have created a /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix file, copy it to the repository and then proceed to build the configuration with:

# Change workstation to whatever you want if you are using my setup
# if you do, remember to also modify the module import path in the flake.nix
cp /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix ./hosts/workstation/

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .

Once everything is ready, move the contents of the etc directory to ~/.config and the share directory to ~/.local/share. And that's it :)


Desktop view


Apps launcher (rofi)


Logout screen (wlogout)


Lockscreen (hyprlock)



My dotfiles are licensed under the cuck MIT license. Feel free to take inspiration or take parts from them.