Facilitating the design, comparison and sharing of deep text matching models.
- airkidICT
- andglf
- AuroraYanRan
- caiyinqiongICT, CAS
- CanoeFZHByteDance
- chaoyue729DX-inc
- ChriskueiInstitute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- ChrisRBXiong
- dawn2034Beijing China
- faneshionict
- fly51flyPRIS
- haerbinwyzhaha
- hxyshareICT
- hzhaoUSA
- jeanru
- jellying
- JiafengGuo
- Jiahuan-PeiVU Amsterdam
- joequan
- JrJessyLuo
- kouunnJapan.Nagoya City
- lgrz
- lovehoroscoper
- nguyenvo09
- rdoume@artefactory
- RexKing6Hangzhou
- rgtjfSemComp
- rueychengMelbourne, Australia
- Sjzwind
- strategist922Microsoft
- Taoer1996
- uduseAstrus
- wakafengfan
- wengbenjueshanghai
- xuanhan863Los Angeles, USA
- ZizhenWangTencent