A Free MultiOS PHP Interface Botnet with VB.NET and Python based Stub and VB.NET Builder
BlackNET is a simple botnet with PHP Panel and VB.NET or Python Output for MultiOS Hacking
Created By : DarkSoftwareCo
On Windows
- Upload File
- DDOS Attack [ TCP,UDP,ARME,Slowloris ]
- Open Webpage
- Show MessageBox
- Uninstall Client
- Close Client
On Linux
- Print Simple Message for Client
- Open Webpage
- Upload File
- Simple DDOS Attack
- Uninstall Client
- Close Client
You Can use it to hack any Linux system with python on it
- Download BlackNET - PHP Panel.zip
- Upload The ZIP File to your Server
- Extract it
- Go to PHPMyAdmin
- Create a database with any name you want
- Change the data in classes/database.php
- Change files and folders permission to 777 [connection.php,sendcommand.php,receive.php,Clients Folder]
- Go to install.php to create the botnet tables automatically
- Enter you network and enjoy hacking
- Fixed Bugs
- Bug: Bot Master can't send commands (fixed)
- Bug: Python Malware doesn't work on Py3 (fixed)
- Stable Connection
- Cleaner Code
- Secure Database Connection
- Admin Settings
- Better and Secure Login System
- Salted MD5 Hashing
- Rewrite Project in OOP with PDO Connection
- Bug Fixed
- SQL Injection Fixed
Copyright © Black.Hacker and DarkSofrwareCo - 2019