- abduld
- baryluk
- bigwaterHKUST (Guangzhou)
- boltomliBeijing, China
- dananjayamaheshEdinburgh, United Kingdom
- FindHao@pytorch
- gabrielfrtgCESAR
- hotpeperoncino
- huangjw08China
- JamesTheZAlibaba Group
- jamolamaNew York
- joao-limaUFSM
- juliovicenziBrazil, RS
- mattsincUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- milkowskiPoland
- mohamedRenesas Electronics Corporation
- nbushehri
- neoskypigAlibaba
- pblinzerAMD
- pblinzerprivBellevue, WA
- perhaadApple
- Pidbip
- PXAHyLeeHsinChu, Taiwan
- sabbaghm
- saonim
- scchanAMD
- shidong-aiCerebras Systems
- shuangchenli
- shuklasu
- siranenAndrzej Piotrowski
- tsung-wei-huangDepartment of ECE, University of Wisconsin at Madison
- ttunglNBCUniversal
- WhiteBlue
- wpybtwMSRA
- zhyfzy
- zodsoft