
Primary LanguageJavaScript

CE Platform

The Collective Experience (CE) Platform facilitates the creation and operation of collective experience applications. By building to cordova/iOS and distributing this project as a native app, experiences can be launched with native push notifications and users can be targeted by their location for context-specific experiences. Currently, the platform facilitates image and text submissions for experiences.

Setup and Local Development

  1. Install Meteor curl https://install.meteor.com/ | sh.
  2. Clone the repository git clone https://github.com/NUDelta/ce-platform.git.
  3. Navigate to the project folder cd ce-platform.
  4. Run meteor npm install to install local dependencies.
  5. Start the server using meteor.

Windows Subsystem for Linux Specific Setup

Follow steps 1 & 2 from above. To install Mongo (v 3.6), follow steps 1-5 from this site: https://github.com/michaeltreat/Windows-Subsystem-For-Linux-Setup-Guide/blob/master/readmes/installs/MongoDB.md

$ sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 2930ADAE8CAF5059EE73BB4B58712A2291FA4AD5
$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu xenial/mongodb-org/3.6 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.6.list
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org

Then, to create where data directory & to start a Mongo process, do the following.

$ sudo mkdir -p /data/db
$ sudo chown -R $USER /data/db
$ mongod

Open a separate terminal and navigate to the ce-platform directory and run npm start.

Open Mongo Shell in another terminal and try to find users to verify that you're interacting with the correct data.

$ mongo
> use meteor
> db.users.find()

iOS Development Running

Development build is nice to develop the mobile app, connected to a local server. Following these steps will also allow you to setup hot-code-push for local development, which makes it extra easy to make changes to the mobile app without having to go through a long build process.

  1. Find your ipaddress using ifconfig |grep inet. On northwesterns network, it sometimes looks something like 10.105.X.Y. On a home WiFi network, it might look like 192.168.X.Y
  2. From the ce-platform directory, run npm run build-dev 3000 192.168.X.Y or equivalently meteor run ios-device -p 3000 --mobile-server=http://{ipaddress}:3000
  3. At some point, the previous command will have opened an xcodeproject, which lives at ce-platform/.meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios. Navigate there by typing cd ce-platform/.meteor/local/cordova-build/platforms/ios.
  4. pod install to install dependencies.
  5. open Cerebro.xcworkspace to open the workspace file, which will have the pod dependencies linked. You can close the `Cerebro.xcodeproject file now.
  6. Change bundle identifier to edu.northwestern.delta.ce-platform
  7. Get the "CE Platform" provisioning profile from developer.apple.com and import the profile into xcode. You can do this by dragging the *.mobileprovision file onto the xcode icon, or by going to General > Signing (Debug or Release) > Import Profile...
  8. Set the Provisioning Profile to "CE Platform"
  9. Set your build target to the iPhone you have plugged in to your computer, and press the Play button.
  10. ce-platform should start up on your iPhone. Client logging should be available in XCode Terminal. Server logging should be available in the terminal you ran the meteor run ios-device ... commmand.

iOS Enterprise Build

For a quick script that does the meteor build and sets up the xcworkspace, see the ipaHelper.sh script. For all the details that lead to writing the streamlined script, see the rest of this section.

Building iOS Application from Meteor

  1. Deploy Meteor application to Galaxy or Heroku, or start a local server.
  2. Run npm run build to generate the Xcode project.
    1. Change the server in the scripts section within package.json if you want to run with a local server (localhost:3000).
    2. Note: if this fails with an error saying that dezalgo module cannot be found, run meteor npm i -g write-file-atomic path-is-inside async-some dezalgo.
    3. Note: if this fails with an error saying that EACCES: permission denied for one of the Pods in ce-platform-ios, you should try removing or moving the folder ../Cerebro-ios to start a fresh build.
  3. Navigate to ../Cerebro-ios/ios/project and run pod install to install needed dependencies.

Creating an .ipa File


Exporting an iOS application as an .ipa file requires the ceEnterpriseExport.sh export script and exportOptions.plist export options plist. The former runs the Xcode cleaning, building, and archiving stages for enterprise export and uses the latter to sign the application.

exportOptions.plist are used to specify the provisioning profile and team ID to sign the application. Configure the following to change which profile is used to perform the signing:

    <string>Delta Lab D</string>

Push notifications are currently configured to work with the Enterprise A certificate. Talk to Ryan or Yongsung for more information.


  1. Navigate to ../Cerebro-ios/ios/project and open the .xcworkspace.
  2. Change the Bundle Identifier to the same identifier as in the provisioning profile above (here, edu.northwestern.delta.A).
  3. Copy ceEnterpriseExport.sh and exportOptions.plist to the same directory as the .xcworkspace. Then, run ./ceEnterpriseExport.sh to create the application.
  4. The .ipa can be found in the Cerebro-export/ directory. Distribute your .ipa to testers using diawi.com.

Development Guidelines & Styles

Please read through and follow these guidelines while contributing code to this project.

Dev Tips and Tricks

  • To clear the database and therefore propagate changes to dummy data in fixture.js, set the CLEAR_DB boolean in config.js to 1
  • if notifications stop working, check that production is set to true in config.push.json
  • to see logs in terminal: heroku logs -t --app ce-platform
  • "quote exceed" might mean the quota of the whole db is exceeded, the limit for free is 500MB
  • Use this handy console log to keep track of any data flowing during the Identify, Coordinate, or Progress calls: const util = require('util'); console.log('myVariable: ', util.inspect(myVariable, false, null));

Accessing Test Data to Test Participate and Results Views

For the 4 OCEs used in the CHI 19 study, I made a data dump which has several dummy submissions. It will allow you to look at all the participate and results screens to check your views.

  1. Download the data dump from our ce-platform/mlab-dump S3 bucket!
  2. Start a meteor server i.e. meteor
  3. Start a connection to the database i.e. meteor mongo
  4. Restore the data i.e. mongorestore -h --port 3001 -d meteor ce-dump-avatar-storytimerichpoor-samesituationrich/meteor
  5. Several accounts were used to create data, like users nagy and bonnie. Their passwords are password
  6. If you want to create more data, do so within the app. Then use mongodump i.e. mongodump -h --port 3001 -d meteor

Alternatively, to dump/restore the data currently in the production or staging database (useful for debugging without iOS Development Running), do the following:

  1. Dump the data: mongodump --uri=<URI that can be found on mLab -o $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>
  2. You may have to drop the database before restoring
$ mongo
$ use meteor
$ db.dropDatabase()
  1. Restore the data locally mongorestore -h -d meteor $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY/$REMOTE_DB


Refer to the Airbnb Javascript style guide. We're fully into ES6, so make sure you're familiar with using let over var, () => {} function shorthand, and so on.


Use single quotes for Javascript, and double quotes for HTML.

// bad
let foo = "bar";

// good
let foo = 'bar'

Template Naming

Try to fit template names into namespaces describing their functionality and what pages/routes they show up on. For example, any component that shows up underneath the home template should be named home_component. Be descriptive with names; prefer full words over brevity. Don't include page at the end, unless it would be ambigious otherwise.

Ordering / Grouping Imports

Sort all imports in this order and into these groups, omitting any groups that don't exist.

  1. If client page .js file, include the matching html file. Do not include html files in any files except the relevant .js one..
  2. Include Meteor packages, starting with import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor', followed by import { Template } from 'meteor/templating' if you use either of those.
  3. Include files from imports/.
  4. If client page .js file, include other template components used inside. Do components/ first, then partials.


You'll notice that, to match what's recommended from Meteor 1.3, all of the methods in this project have been changed into exported ValidatedMethods. See the Github Repo and the guide page about this, but be sure to use these.